All posts by Miss McDowall

P7 Spelling Homework Feedback

After marking your first P7 Spelling Homework, there are a few points I’d like to clarify. In general, they were a good standard with neat handwriting, well laid out and the sections completed correctly. So well done. However, there were a few common mistakes I’d like to correct:

  • One list/unit per fortnight. Quite a lot of you had completed Unit/List 1 and 2. You only complete one per fortnight .e.g. the spelling rule we are focussing on. The reason you sometimes have more than one unit on a spelling sheet is to save paper.
  • You must write the date in the margin (2.9.16) and an appropriate title .e.g. Unit 1 ‘ac-‘ ‘ad-‘. ‘Spelling Homework’ is not specific enough because it will all be spelling homework in your Spelling Homework jotter!
  • Please write the sub-headings of each section. This will help you to check you have completed them all.
  • Please read the instructions carefully to ensure you are completing the task correctly. A lot of you never completed each section correctly. Please see the example below to check how it should be completed.
  • Section 3 – Fill in the missing words should have every sentence copied and completed in your jotter AND choose one of the spelling words to write one sentence of your own.
  • Please correct any mistakes. Remember the marking code.

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P7M Homework – Monday 5th September

Remember to complete each task to the best of your ability. Please let me know if you are struggling with any task or need advice, as soon as possible.


  • Reading Ch23-36 (p101-166) and 2 BD jobs – You should read the chapters and complete the Mind Map and Illuminator jobs by Friday 16th September. Click here to remind you how to complete both jobs and here to see good examples of the jobs completed pupils in our class. Remember to choose a passage from the book to read to your BD group.
  • Spelling – There is no spelling lists this week but please practise the first 100 common words by playing the games at Spell Zone
  • Personal Reading Challenge – Throughout the year, please read extra texts on top of the class novels. Record what you have read and complete the tasks on the Personal Reading Challenge sheet.


  • Complete three challenges on Mangahigh. Try your best to beat your own personal best. If you have any problems, please let me know A.S.A.P. These tasks should be attempted by Friday 9th September.
  • Use the IT room for 15 minutes at lunchtime if you need to.


  • Japanese Products – please make a note of any Japanese products, logos or brand names you have in your house or see in your everyday life. Please have this for Monday 12th Sept.
  • Topic personal project – This should be completed by Tuesday 27th September. Click here to access the task.


  • Return any letters, permission slips etc. A.S.A.P.
  • Remember to research for your Fairtrade debate on Thursday.
  • P.E. Thursday and Friday this week. We have a special visitor on Friday to teach us Karate, instead of badminton on Monday.


Maths Websites & Mental Maths Strategies

The 72 Learn Its

Hit the Button

Maths Dictionary


Alien Angles


 2D Shape

Square Numbers and Square Roots

Mental Maths Strategies

When answering maths questions, especially worded problems, it is important to know how to work through it. Below are some hints and tips on how to tackle maths questions and worded problems.

Problem Solving Strategies

*Remember that not all of these are suitable for every maths question. Choose the best strategy for the problem you are working on.

  • Look for the important words in the question. Write them down or underline them. Decide on what the question is asking you to do .e.g. multiplication? fractions? subtraction?
  • Look for a pattern. Can you see somehting happening over and over again? Will this help you solve the problem?
  • Have a go! Try an answer. Does the answer make sense?
  • Use a table or a chart. Will something like this help?
  • Use a drawing. Can you draw something about the problem? Will this help you to find the answer?
  • Work backwards. Can you start at the ned of the question to help work it out? Will your answer work?
  • Try an easier problem. Can you change the numbers in the question to make it simpler? Will this make finding the answer easier?
  • Make a model. Can you use paper or blocks to help you find the answer? Can you use people to help you find the answer?
  • Think logically. Can you tell somehting about the answer straight away? Can you get rid of answers that are not correct?

Mental Maths Strategies

*We will be practising these strategies in class throughout the year. Use the strategies that feel best to you because not every one will ‘feel’ natural for you.

mental 1 mental 2 mental 3 mental 4mental 5 mental 6 mental 7 mental 8 mental 9 mental 10 mental 11 mental 12

Use the maths links on the Blog and the maths online dictionary to remind yourself of some of the concepts you might not remember.

Mathematical Vocabulary – Word Problem Words

Increased by: The class had 15 pupils and was increased by 10 children. How many children are there in the class now?

 more: Julie has 21 Beanie Babies in her collection – her sister Emma has 10 more. How many does Emma have?

combined/put together: Jake and Joel combined their pocket money of £5.50 each to buy the new Xbox game. How much money did they have together?

 total (smaller numbers): There were 8 Roses, 12 Carnations, and 2 Daisies. How many flowers did they have in total?

 sum: Alexis earned £10 washing cars and Sarah earned £15. What was the sum of their earnings?

 added to: Ellie saved £3.50 last week. Added to savings of £2 this week, how much does she now have?

 altogether: Jake has 13 sweets and Jarratt has 22! How many sweets do they have altogether?

in all: Auntie Anne gives Jade 12 carrots from her allotment and her mum brings back a bag of 8 from Asda. How many carrots does she have in all?

additional: Ben has 105 Harry Potter collector cards. If he had ten additional baseball cards, how many would he have in all?

 decreased by: The population of 1000 whales decreased by 400 in the last year. How many are left?

minus: She had £10, minus the amount she spent on the £3 drink. How much did she have in all?

drops/dropped: The temperature was 4° and just dropped by another 3°! What is the temperature now?

 difference between /difference of: Gemma’s mum gives her £3.50 pocket money for hovering and polishing through the house. James gets £5 for doing the same thing. What is the difference between their pocket money?

More than: Jacob has 16 marbles – that’s 12 more than William. How many marbles does William have?

Less than: Sarah has 20 sweets and her sister Suzie has 5 less than her. How many sweets does Suzie have?

Fewer: Jenny baked six fewer cookies than Elizabeth, who made 12. How many cookies does Jenny have?

How many more?: Kate has 20 Daises and Emily has 31. How many more Daises does Emily have than Kate?

How much more?: Billy has spent the last year saving £150 – he desperately wants a laptop that costs £300. How much more does he need to buy it?

 Left: Mrs. Bee bakes 30 beautiful chocolate-chip muffins for the adults in school. 18 people grab one at break. How many are left?

 remain/remains: There are 15 people on the bus and 3 people get off. How many people remain on the bus?

Words ending in “er” (higher, longer, faster, heavier, larger, shorter, slower, further, etc.): Jack can run 100m in 25 seconds but Andrew can do it in 14! How much faster is Andrew’s 100m race than Jack’s?

 Take away: Jamie has 12 biscuits. If his mum takes away 10, how many does he have?

 TWICE: Elijah Wood, the actor in ‘lord of the Rings,’ played a hobbit that was 120cm tall but in real life the actor is twice as tall! How tall is he really?

 TIMES: Caroline’s school bag weighs 2g but her brother, Ollie, likes to take lots of books to school – his bag weighs 5 times as much! What does his weigh?

 multiplied by: There used to be 100 children in school. The number of pupils has multiplied by three in the last few years! How many children are there now?

 product of: What is the product of five and four?

 in all: At the cinema (screen 8) there were 10 rows of seats and 20 chairs in each row. How many seats were there in all?

 total: In the garden there are five rows with five plants in each row. How many plants are there total?

 each: Each pair of socks cost £1.00. How much will six pairs cost?

 doubled, tripled, quadrupled etc.: There were 3,000 rabbits in the UK. The population (total number of rabbits) tripled in two years. How many are there now?

equal / equally: I bought a dozen (12) eggs from the market this morning and split them equally between two boxes. How many eggs went in each box?

 separate: Hannah and I make 50 friendship bracelets – we decide to separate them evenly and sell them. How many bracelets do we each have?

 share: Bailey brings in 60 sweets for his birthday and decides to share them out in class. There are 20 children in his class – how many sweets do they each receive?

 split: On a class trip, there is a class of 24 children and they are split into 6 groups. How many children are in each group?

 group/groups: At swimming, the class of 32 children is split evenly into two groups. How many pupils are in each group?

 fractions (half, quarter, fifth, sixth, tenth etc.): Kieran has £20. He spends half of this money on cat food – how much does he have left for other things?

P7 Visit from The Music Man!

We were very lucky to have a visit from Mr Laird from Saturday Music Centre at Paisley Grammar. He played various instruments including the saxophone, flute, clarinet, tuba and baritone. We had to guess whether they were going to make a high or low sound and then what tune he played.

There is a ‘Come and Try’ Day on Saturday 10th September, where P7 pupils can hear and then try out a number of musical instruments. If they show an aptitude for a particular instrument, they may then be offered a course of lessons funded by the Creative Scotland’s Youth Music Initiative scheme. The lessons are free of charge for the first year of tuition. Letters available on request.

Have a look at Mr Laird playing the instruments.

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P7 Buddhism Beliefs & Practices


Learning Outcome: I can show understanding of the beliefs and practices of Buddhism and explore the similarities and differences between these and my developing beliefs. RME 2-04c

Skill for Learning: Synthesis – I can research about a belief or practice of Buddhism and explain it to my peers.

 Social Skill: Disagreeing without criticising people – I can show/explain my feelings about someone’s idea/opinion without offending them.


Buddhists believe that the Buddha saw the truth of what the world is like, and they follow his teachings. They have many beliefs and practices they follow in order to live their lives in a Buddhist way.


In your group, you are going to research the key Buddhist beliefs, how they worship and live their lives. You will be researching one of the following beliefs or practices:

  • the 3 Jewels (Triple Gem)
  • the Four Noble Truths
  • the Eightfold Path
  • the 5 Precepts
  • their sacred text
  • how and where they worship (Puja)

You will learn as much as you can about your given subject and present your findings to the rest of the class in an imaginative way. Remember that they do not know anything about your topic, so your presentation should be informative as well as entertaining.

Presentation Criteria

Your presentation should:

  • include key points about your subject
  • inform the class about your subject
  • involve everyone in your group
  • be creative
  • be informative
  • entertain your peers
  • mention how Buddhist beliefs compare to the beliefs of the people on your group
  • be 3-4 minutes in length

Please use the weblinks and video below to find out as much as you can about your given subject.

Please watch the relevant video below:

Triple Gem (no need for sound)

Four Noble Truths (headphones needed)

The Eightfold Path (headphones needed)

The Five Precepts (use headphones if there are any spare)

 Buddhist Worship (headphones are needed)


P7 All About Japan Task

Today you will be finding out “All About Japan”. Your task is to research a number of areas relating to Japanese lifestyle and culture. Please read you task sheet very carefully to ensure you know exactly which areas you are requiring information for. As discussed in class, you should refer closely to the focus skills highlighted today to ensure the success of this task.

Please access the links below to find the required information. You should NOT access any other websites without the permission of the class teacher.


Japan: Factslides

Nature & Climate

Japanese Culture



National Flag & Anthem

National Anthem with sub-titles

National Flower

Japanese Symbols

Japan: Fact Monster

Homes, Food & Clothing


The Imperial Family

How to Count to Ten in Japanese


Comparing Lives – Scotland and Japan

scotland flag japan 1


Learning Outcome:

By comparing the lifestyle and culture of citizens in Japan with those of Scotland, I can discuss the similarities and differences.  SOC 2-19a

Skill for Learning: Analysis – I can compare and contrast lifestyles in Japan with Scotland by using my own personal experience and research.


In order to get a better understanding of life in Japan you will be researching what life is like for children and adults living there now. You will need to think about the similarities and differences between life in Scotland and Japan. You have your own personal and experiences of life as a child in Scotland but you will need to interview a few adults to get more information about what life is like for them.

For Monday 5th September you should interview at least one adult (parent/grandparent/aunt/uncle etc) to find out about their daily routine and their role in the family. Some suggested questions you might want to ask:

  • what time they get up?
  • do they have a job? Have they always had the same job? what age did they start working?
  • what do they enjoy doing in their spare time?
  • what do they enjoy doing with the family in their spare time?
  • what is their role in the family?
  • what daily chores in the house do they do?

Please record your findings.

P7M Homework – Monday 29th August

Remember to complete each task to the best of your ability. Please let me know if you are struggling with any task or need advice, as soon as possible.


  • Reading Ch7-22 and 2 BD jobs – You should read chapters 7-22 (inclusive) and complete the Mind map and Illuminator jobs by Friday 2nd September. Click here to remind you how to complete both jobs.
  • Spelling – Complete List/Unit 1 in your Spelling Homework jotter for Friday 2nd September. Remember to write the date, an appropriate title and complete all sections as instructed. Click here to remind you how to lay out your work.
  • Personal Reading Challenge – Throughout the year, please read extra texts on top of the class novels. Record what you have read and complete the tasks on the Personal Reading Challenge sheet.


  • Complete the written maths homework in your Maths Homework jotter for Friday 2nd September. Click here to access the questions.
  • Write the date, title and record all working where appropriate.


  • Interview an adult (parent/grandparent/aunt etc) to find out about their daily routine and role in the family (click here  to see the task). We will use this information next Monday 5th September.
  • Topic personal project – This should be completed by Tuesday 27th September. Click here to access the task.


  • House Captains – please prepare a short speech (2 mins max.) for the assemblies on Wed 31st August
  • Return any letters, permission slips etc. A.S.A.P.
  • P.E. Mon & Thurs

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P7 Maths Homework – Friday 2nd September

maths 1

Please answer the questions below in your Maths Homework jotter.Remember to write the date, a title and show all of your working, where appropriate. These questions cover maths concepts you have covered, however please use the Online Maths Dictionary to remind you of any maths concepts you may have forgotten.

  1. What is double thirty-six?

  2. What time is it half an hour before eleven o’clock at night? Answer using the 24 hour clock. *You may want to record a timeline to show your working.

  3. Divide forty-two by seven.

  4. Subtract forty-five from one hundred and twenty.

  5. What is two-thirds of one hundred and fifty?

  6. Add twenty-nine to eighty-nine.

  7. Cakes cost one pound twenty-five each. How much do four cakes cost?

  8. Multiply three by eight, then subtract nine.

  9. How many metres are there in half a kilometre?

  10. What is twenty-five percent of six hundred?

  11. A small pizza costs £6.00, a medium pizza costs £7.50, a large pizza costs £9.00 and extra toppings cost 50p. How much does it cost altogether for one small pizza and one large pizza, each with one extra topping?

  12. Subtract one and a half from eight.

  13. Write these numbers in order from smallest to largest. 0.1, 1.2, 0.09, 1.19, 0.89

  14. Two angles of a triangle are fifty degrees each. How many degrees is the third angle of the triangle?

  15. What must be added to eight squared to make one hundred?

  16. What is the total of these numbers: thirty-two, forty-five, sixty-seven, seventy-eight, eighty-three

  17. Sandwiches cost one pound fifty pence each. I buy six sandwiches. How much change do I get from ten pounds?

  18. What number is exactly halfway between ten and thirty?

  19. What is thirty-two multiplied by eight?

  20. Which of these are prime numbers: 31, 33, 35, 37, 39

P7M – Meet the Japanese Families

On Monday we started our Japan topic. We had to choose a traditional Japanese family name and explain why we chose it. Most Japanese family names (like ours) have a meaning .e.g. AKIYAMA means ‘autumn mountain’. The Scottish surname Campbell means ‘crooked-mouthed’.

We had to draw ourselves wearing traditional Japanese clothing, write our own skills and qualities, record what we already know about Japan and what we wanted to learn.

Introducing the families:

The Moto familyDSCF9455

The Yamamoto familyDSCF9458

The Saito family DSCF9459

The Tsukino family DSCF9460

The Yamada family DSCF9461

The Kimura family DSCF9462

The Sato family DSCF9463

The YukimuraDSCF9466

P7 Spelling Homework


Oops, I forgot that the creative spelling activities weren’t on the blog like last year. So I will issue you with the list of activities tomorrow and it the meantime here they are here:

  • blue vowels: write the common words then go back and go over the vowels in blue
  • bubble letters: write the common words in bubble or block letters
  • consonant circle: write the common words then circle the consonants
  • vowel circle: write the common words then circle the vowels
  • UPPER and lower case letters: write the common words in CAPITAL letters then small letters
  • words without consonants: write the common words but leave out the consonants (put a line instead) then go back to fill in the consonants
  • words without vowels: write the common words but leave out the vowel (put a line instead) then go back to fill in the vowels
  • mnemonic: make a mnemonic for the common words .e.g. mnemonic = My Nana Enjoys Meeting Old Neighbours In Church
  • Click to enlarge the image below from


Here is an example of what your completed spelling homework should look like (click to enlarge):


This is a pupil’s quality work from last year. They wrote the date, title and completed each section correctly. Depending on the size of your handwriting, the task should take up approximately 1.5-2 pages of your jotter.

Japan Personal Project – Tuesday 27th September

japan flag 1

Learning Outcome

I can create a detailed presentation on an area of Japan that is of interest to me. I can use my research to discuss the diversity of particular cultures, values and customs in our society.  SOC 2-16c

Skill for Learning

Application & Knowledge: I can apply my knowledge of Japan to plan and produce an interesting and creative presentation.

Skill for Work

Organisation: I can organise my time and resources independently to ensure my project is completed in the allocated time.


In class we will be learning about a variety of aspects relating to Japan. Now it is your turn to become independent international researchers! You are being asked to find out about an area of Japan that is of particular interest to you and share your findings with your peers.


What you need to know: You are free to complete your personal project in any way you wish. You can pick something very specific (Japanese fashion, technology, food ) or something a bit more general (Japanese culture). If you wish, you may even choose an area we have not covered in class.

What you need to do: You can present your project in any way you choose. This might be in written form, a PowerPoint presentation, a booklet, a video or even a model. In other words, you have the choice to choose the way you feel will best help you to demonstrate your knowledge of your chosen topic. This project is all homework based therefore you need to think about the resources you will have access to: books, library, internet, personal accounts etc. Please ask for any paper, IT time or anything else you might need from school.

What you need to think about: You can use whatever you need to describe your personal project: photographs, videos, props etc. Try to think about why you picked this area for your project. What was it that interested you about it? Remember some people in class may know nothing about the area you have chosen to discuss, so you must explain it in detail.

How to get started: Get all of your ideas down on a mind map and then decide which ones are the most relevant and will best engage your audience.

Product Criteria

  • You are free to present your researched topic in any way you choose. However, try to think outside of the box a little. In other words, be creative!
  • You have 5 weeks to pull your project together so use your time wisely. You should be prepared to bring your completed project to school on Tuesday 27thSeptember.
  • This is an independent research project. It is your responsibility to organise your time effectively and ensure you are putting in enough effort.
  •  Everyone will approach this task in different ways so don’t worry if your friends are doing  something different from you. Have faith in your project and what you have to say and it will all     work out. This is your chance to show just how well you can take responsibility for your own  learning.

P7M Homework – Monday 22nd August

Remember to complete each task to the best of your ability. Please let me know if you are struggling with any task or need advice.


  • Reading Ch7-22 and 2 BD jobs – You should read chapters 7-22 (inclusive) and complete the Mind map and Illuminator jobs by Friday 2nd September. Click here to remind you how to complete both jobs.
  • Spelling – Complete List/Unit 1 in your Spelling Homework jotter for Friday 2nd September. Remember to write the date, an appropriate title and complete all sections as instructed. 
  • Personal Reading Challenge – Throughout the year, please read extra texts on top of the class novels. Record what you have read and complete the tasks on the Personal Reading Challenge sheet.


  • Complete the 3 activities on Mangahigh. The activities should appear on Homepage or click ‘Assigned’ to see these tasks (Adding and Subtracting up to 100, Add in Columns and Recognise Number Patterns).
  • Your username and password is on the Homework letter.
  • The school code is 45088 or use the link Mangahigh


  • Residential Trip meeting Monday 22nd, 6.30-7.30pm
  • Give the Homework letters to your parents/carers and return the Internet slip A.S.A.P.
  • Topic personal project – this will be issued on Tuesday 23rd – more information to follow. This should be completed by Tuesday 27th September.
  • If any of you have any reading books from last year, especially Kensuke’s Kingdom, please return them ASAP as P6 are missing a number of copies.
  • P.E. Mon & Fri – If any of you have a portable badminton net, please bring it in on our P.E. days. Thank you.

P7 Book Detectives – Illuminator & Mind Map

Today I modelled how to complete a P7 standard ‘Illuminator’ and ‘Mind Map’ for your Book Detectives homework. You found examples from the book for me to use in my tasks which I recorded on the board for you to copy into your BD jotters. Please remember each time you complete your BD tasks to write the date in the margin (19.8.16) and write an appropriate title (Holes Ch1-6). Each BD tasks should use approximately one A4 page.

Here is a reminder of how to complete each job:


  • you should record at least six feelings
  • you should record the character’s name
  • you should record the page number you got the evidence from
  • you should record any quotes to help support your answer
  • you should respond with how you feel about the situation (put yourself in the character’s shoes)


Stanley – p6 – worried/scared – ‘Stanley and his family had tried to pretend that he was just going away to camp for a while, just like rich kids do.’ He was blocking out his negative feelings about going to camp as a punishment by pretending it was going to be like a holiday. I understand why he would do this because the thought of leaving your family to go to an unknown place would be scary. I would probably do the same thing.

Mind Map

  • choose 4-5 main events from the chapters you have read
  • use branches from these events to add detail, evidence, page numbers to support your answer
  • turn your BD jotter landscape

Example (click on the image to enlarge it):

mind map example

Feelings Photos


You all experience a wide range of emotions and feelings on a daily basis but often when asked how you feel you will say “Fine” or “Good” or “Happy” or “Sad”. Sometimes you might be feeling exactly this way, however why use a boring word when there are a lot more exciting words to express how you feel. These wow words or phrases can also be used in your writing.

Today you worked in pairs to find the definition of a variety of ‘feelings’ words and then took photos of each other expressing that emotion.

The Skill for Learning you were developing was:

Application – I can apply my knowledge of language and use my face and body to express an emotion.

The Skill for Life you were developing was:

Literacy – I can use a dictionary to find the definition of a word.

You took lots of photos and then had to edit your choices by deleting unwanted photos. Here are the final results:

SAM_3525 SAM_3526 SAM_3527

Welcome to P7M!


Today is the beginning of the last part of your primary school life… exciting and scary! We have lots of brilliant activities, topics and projects planned for this year and I know that you will all be up for the challenges ahead. I am so pleased to be your class teacher this year and I know Mrs Davidson is looking forward to teaching you on Thursdays too.

We will be using the P7M Blog  to communicate and support each other with homework and research tasks. It is really important that you take responsibility for your own learning and learn how to manage your time; balancing school work and your social life. I am here to help you be the best you can be, so you need to let me know what I can do to support you to do your best.


  • Monday, Tuesdays, Wednesday, Friday – Miss McDowall
  • Thursday – Mrs Davidson
  • Monday 11.15am and Thursday 9am – P.E. 
  • Please bring suitable clothing for our Daily Mile on non-P.E. days.
  • Please bring your class novel and personal reader every day for our personal reading time.

To do list:

  • Complete a House Captain application form by Thursday 18th – late entries will NOT be accepted.
  • Cover your homework diary, spelling, maths and Book Detectives jotters (paper available from school if required).
  • Tell your parent/carer about the Residential Trip meeting on Monday 22nd, 6.30-7.30pm

That is more than enough to think about for now. The homework will start next Monday 22nd August so enjoy your first week of homework free P7!


Miss McDowall