P7M Homework – Monday 29th August

Remember to complete each task to the best of your ability. Please let me know if you are struggling with any task or need advice, as soon as possible.


  • Reading Ch7-22 and 2 BD jobs – You should read chapters 7-22 (inclusive) and complete the Mind map and Illuminator jobs by Friday 2nd September. Click here to remind you how to complete both jobs.
  • Spelling – Complete List/Unit 1 in your Spelling Homework jotter for Friday 2nd September. Remember to write the date, an appropriate title and complete all sections as instructed. Click here to remind you how to lay out your work.
  • Personal Reading Challenge – Throughout the year, please read extra texts on top of the class novels. Record what you have read and complete the tasks on the Personal Reading Challenge sheet.


  • Complete the written maths homework in your Maths Homework jotter for Friday 2nd September. Click here to access the questions.
  • Write the date, title and record all working where appropriate.


  • Interview an adult (parent/grandparent/aunt etc) to find out about their daily routine and role in the family (click here  to see the task). We will use this information next Monday 5th September.
  • Topic personal project – This should be completed by Tuesday 27th September. Click here to access the task.


  • House Captains – please prepare a short speech (2 mins max.) for the assemblies on Wed 31st August
  • Return any letters, permission slips etc. A.S.A.P.
  • P.E. Mon & Thurs

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