All posts by Miss Binning

P5/4 Topic

We are making the most of the Scottish Summer and have taken our topic work outside. We are having so much fun learning about how to protect Scottish castles, whilst enjoying the sunshine!

P5/4 phonics bingo!

We love playing bingo in maths to practice our tables, but today we had a go at using it to practice our phonics. We picked 6 sounds and when a word was called, we had to decide if that had one of our chosen sounds in it. We loved this new way to practice our phonics.

P5/4 Eco Day

We had a great day learning about our world and everything in it. We had a great visit from SSPCA as well as creating an eco code for our school! Our favourite part was the Eco Fayre where we got to play lots of fun game from recycled items!

Thank you to Miss Wylie and the Eco Team for a great day!🌲🍃🌸🌎

P5/4 World Book Day📚

We have had so much fun dressing up as our favourite characters and showing off our favourite books. We even entered a national competition by designing our own book tokens. We are having the best day📚❤️

Athletics is SNOW problem for us🏃🏻‍♂️❄️

The athletics club were a little disappointed to not be outside yesterday due to the weather. However we had so much fun pushing our fitness levels to the limit!

We used Miss Binning’s classroom as our gym and challenged ourselves in rounds of exercises. We worked with our partners to encourage and support them, whilst ensuring their posture was correct to avoid injury. We also tried to beat our last score and it got a little competitive!

The snow won’t stop us!

P5/4 Number Day

Primary 5/4 had a great day on Friday doing lots of number activities. We created thinking boards, worked on our Maths dictionary, and completed the Barsail Marathon Number Hunt. We particularly enjoyed the activities in the hall with Mrs Smith!


P5/4 Solar System


This term our topic has been science, with a focus on Space.  We have looked at each planet in the solar system, it’s structure, and compared them to other planets. We identified the similarities and differences between structures, whilst looking at the temperatures of each element in the planets.

We then made our own models using sponge balls to resemble a planet. We then coloured and labelled each area appropriately for our planet. Miss Binning then stuck them on the wall to create a solar system.

We had so much fun and learned a lot🌎💫

P5/4 Book Scavenger Hunt📚🔍

This morning, Primary 5/4 took part in a Book Scavenger Hunt. We were given a list of locations and had to find a book that featured that location from either the class or school library. We had to use our knowledge of the books we have read so far, and our detective skills to look at the cover, blurb and title to decide if that book was worth looking in. We had so much fun and now have lots of new book ideas!!

P5/4 Scottish Book Week📚

We had a great morning sharing books that we had read and recommending them to a friend. We shared a brief description about the book, and why we loved it. We now have lots of exciting new book ideas we can’t wait to read!

P5 Badminton Festival

On Thursday, all Primary 5 pupils were given the fantastic opportunity of attending the Emirates Arena for the HITS Badminton festival hosted by Badminton Scotland. We started the day by joining the coaches for a range of Badminton games. It was so much fun and great to experience a range of games related to Badminton. We then were taken to watch the Scottish Badminton Open where we seen a range of international Badminton stars. We were so excited and had a great day!