All posts by Mrs Baird

P3 ran 99 miles this week!

This week the house captains organised an event called “Kinda Kiki”. This is because Corrine, from the charity “Finding Your Feet” is aiming to climb at least 56 miles of Mount Kilimanjaro.  By Wednesday, P3 had ran the 56 miles, however we kept going and ran  99 miles in total, that’s 693 laps of the school! Our class ran the most miles so Corrine presented us with medals today, we are very proud of our effort.

P3 SUMDOG Superstars!

P3, you are absolute superstars!  Out of 2,469 classes entered into the National SUMDOG competition, we came 2nd!  What a fantastic achievement.  Your ambition to be the best you possibly can be continues to inspire me and I couldn’t be more proud of you!  Well done.  As a prize, SUMDOG are giving us a free three month reading and writing subscription. We already have access to SUMDOG spelling due to coming 1st in the Renfrewshire competition!  I know how much you love the ipads so I’m sure we will make good use of our prize from now until the end of term.

Have a great weekend!  Your very proud teacher, Mrs Baird

P3 Energy Detectives

P3 were energy detectives this morning!  We worked our way round 8 stations and observed energy transfer taking place at each one.  Our favourite was definitely the station where we got to eat chocolate buttons (chemical energy in food 😀🍫.)

Please  ask your child about the different types of energy, the definition of energy and the Law of Conservation of energy.  I am sure you will be super impressed with their knowledge 😀


Our Paths coordinator, Kristy, was in P3  today teaching us the importance of Fair Play Rules.  Thank you Kristy!

P3 Coding

P3 have been working on their coding skills over the last couple of weeks and are now fabulous Programmers! We have also been learning the correct vocabuarly, e.g. Programmer, Code and Sequence.  Your child will be able to tell you the meaning of these words 😀 Here are some pictures of us, as programmers, telling the computer what to do using code and in the correct sequence.  We are using apps called Daisy the Dinosaur and Kodable.

Some children want to be programmers when they are older so they can create video games or even send a spaceship to space! 

Careers Fayre

Wow, what a day! Our Careers Fayre was a huge success, thank you so much to all the businesses who gave up their time to speak to the children about their job, the children had a great time and are very much inspired. Well done to the World of Work Pupil Group for organising 😄

P3 Trip to the Museum

We thoroughly enjoyed our trip to Kelvingrove last week.

We dressed up, handled Ancient Egyptian artefacts, learned more about mummification and were given time to explore lots of fascinating things in the Ancient Egypt room.

The trip was a lovely end to our Ancient Egyptian topic and really brought the learning to life for the children.

A huge thank you to the parent helpers who accompanied us.


P3….you are little superstars.  We answered 29,000 questions on SUMDOG and came first in the Renfrewshire SUMDOG competition.  What an amazing achievement, I am super proud of all of you!

Mrs Baird





P3 Baking 🍫🍰

P3 had an amazing afternoon using all our new kitchen and cooking equipment.  We baked lots of yummy cakes for our Christmas Fayre, you are in for a treat 😀

Some quotes from the children:

This is my new favourite thing to do at school!

This was the best afternoon ever!

When can we do it again?

Can I lick the bowl?!


P3 Book Week Scotland

The children in P3 thoroughly enjoyed reading one of the books from their book bag – Bear Spotting.  Here are pictures of the children using the story dice from their bags to write a story about their own bears!







P3 How to Make a Mummy

Today we made a mummy!

The children in P3 have been thoroughly enjoying our Ancient Egyptician topic, especially this week when we have been learning all about mummification. On Tuesday we learned the steps involved and today we put our new knowledge into practice!

Have a look at our pictures to see the children carrying out all the steps which vary from putting all the internal organs in canopic jars to applying make up and hair!

P3 Modern Languages

We had a great time celebrating Modern Languages in school today.  The P3 children looked fab in their French colours and those who were presenting at assembly did a fabulous job.  The best bit was definitely eating our French Chocolate Crepes in the afternoon 😀


We thoroughly enjoyed netball after school today with the P5s – P7s.  We still have a few spaces remaining if anyone would like to come along.  If you would, please let the office know, thank you.

Mrs Baird

P3 Maths Week

P3 are loving Maths Week!

The children are thoroughly enjoying using SUMDOG and taking part in all our other activities / challenges.

Today we made our very own alarm clocks 😄 to submit into the Cluster art competition.  The children worked really hard creating their clocks and we are super proud of them 😀


P3 enjoying SUMDOG in maths this week 😀

The children have all been given SUMDOG logins which have been glued into the back of their diaries.

SUMDOG is a maths site that we can use at home or in school.

This week we have been set a challenge to compete in a competition with our Cluster Schools as part of Scottish Maths Week.

Could the children login and try to complete ten minutes on SUMDOG each night.  We will also be using it in school 😀

Thank you, Mrs Baird