All posts by Miss Byrne

P1 World of Work Visit

Today P1 were very lucky as they had a special visit from John and Julie who came from Balfour Beatty. We learned all about being safe on a building site and know the important signs that tell us to be safe. We were super excited when we got the chance to try on some of the protective clothing!! Here we are looking fab in our hi-vests 🙂

Big Breakfast!

As part of our Health Week, children and parents tucked into a Big Breakfast this morning! They enjoyed eating a variety of healthy food like fruit and porridge. Thanks to all the staff, children and parents who helped make the event run smoothly. A special thanks to Mrs Gibney for organising this fabulous event!! 🙂

P1b Outdoor Reading

Today, Primary 1 took to the outdoors to have some special reading time. We had cosy picnic blankets and so many stories to choose from! Here are a few photos of us having some fun with stories.

P1b Seaside Fun!

Today Primary 1 were in the open area and had lots of fun doing seaside activities for our topic. We designed postcards of our favourite holidays, took our beebots to a seaside destination and played some seaside games on the computer. We had lots of fun! 🙂

P1 Time Fun

Primary 1 have been learning all about time. We decided it would be fun to go outside and create our very own class clocks. First we had to find two twigs to use as our clock hands then we wrote numbers 1-12 inside a hula hoop to make our clock! We even had a game of What’s the time Mr Wolf?  🙂

P1 welcome the Nursery

Primary 1 welcomed the nursery children to our school to see what fantastic activities and things we offer in P1! Pupils were amazing at showing boys and girls all of the exciting things that we do and they had a great time 🙂

P1a & P1b Farmyard Fun!!

Both Primary 1 classes are currently learning about the Farm. They have been doing exciting farm activities to help consolidate their knowledge. P1 have been enjoying farm bingo, doing research with colourful pens, farm drawing and… a sneak preview of our Reading Garden! Keep up the fabulous work! 🙂

Both Pri

P1 Magic Money

Primary 1 have been focusing on money this term. They are learning to recognise and identify 1p, 2p, 5p, 10p, 20p and even 50p coins! Primary 1 have had so much fun in our money shop, coin rubbing, playing interactive games on the computer and adding coins to make the correct amount. They have worked so hard and will continue to learn about money. Keep up the hard work Primary 1 ☺️


Buddy Christmas Fun!!

P1 had an exciting morning because they got to do lots of Christmas activities with their big buddies! There was so much to do and we even made a place mat for our special Christmas party 🙂

Senior Choir Superstars!

Today, Barsail Senior Choir sang at the Paisley Centre to raise funds for the Ronald McDonald Charity. They did amazing and got a well deserved McDonald’s after all of their hard work. We are very proud of the choir and it is such an achievement! You are fabulous girls 🙂

P1 & P6&7 maths fun!!

Some of our primary 6 and 7 pupils teamed up with P1b to play some fun maths games. Primary 1 LOVED showing off the activities they have been playing in class and even showed their buddy how to play 🙂

P1b maths fun :)


Primary 1 have been having some fun in maths! We have been learning about numbers 1-10 and how to form them properly and Miss Byrne is letting us try out all the fun maths games! From teddy bear pattern cards to hook-a-duck…we love it. Over and out from P1b 🙂

Primary 1b Fun with Phonics

Primary 1b have been learning new sounds this week. They are “l” and “ll”. We had fun doing Phonics Disco and doing some dancing to help us to remember our sounds! Then we got to use our special Phonics Phones to whisper our words into them to help us practise. Miss Byrne is really proud of us because we are all trying so hard and  are also showing “Barsail Standard”.  Stay tuned for more Primary 1b updates! Over and out 🙂