Maths and Munch

We are looking forward to our curriculum evening on Monday!  Please send back the slip or a note to let us know if you and your child(ren) can attend.

We are buying Dominoes pizza for the children and they can wear their PJs!

We have a parent help guide to issue to adults who attend.  You will also hear about ways in which you can support your child(ren).  If you cannot make it, you will be able to download and print the guide from our website after the event.

Adults and children will also be able to go around different stations and enjoy  YES ENJOY Maths activities together.

We have had a positive response so far with around 100 children attending.  The crèche won’t be able to cater for babies / toddlers.  If a younger sibling is due to start Barsail in August then he/she can attend the crèche.

Maths is fun!  We love Maths!

Mrs Mavers