St. Mirren Trip- Saturday 30th September

Thank you to those of you who ordered additional tickets and lunch boxes- the response for our trip has been overwhelming and it’s going to be a wonderful experience for the whole Barsail family.

Everyone should have received a text message this morning explaining the cut off for ordering additional tickets and lunch boxes was today at 3.15pm- this is to allow us time to pick up extra tickets and send the order to catering staff at St. Mirren. If you did not order a lunch for your child, they can bring snacks and cartons of juice but NO bottles.

Our messengers this afternoon who were collecting last minute letters from classes were just there to explain that we can’t take any more orders after the cut off date and time today- there was some confusion with a few of our little ones who thought that if they hadn’t brought in money they were no longer going on the trip. This is absolutely not the case! Lunch boxes and additional tickets were entirely optional.

Could I ask that everyone arrives promptly on Saturday as the buses will leave at 1.30pm. Please ask a member of staff which coach you should be on when you arrive- there are 3 coaches and we’ve grouped people by your children’s surnames. We will take a register before we leave the school and again before we return from St. Mirren Park so if you are not returning on the bus, please let Mrs Gibney know as soon as possible.

Looking forward to seeing you all on Saturday!

Mrs Gibney