Blooming Artists

Congratulations to Ellen, Becca and Elise for getting their artwork accepted to be displayed at the annual Blooming Artists exhibition at the Perth Museum and Art Gallery in George Street!

The work of young people from schools throughout Perth and Kinross was displayed at the annual ‘Blooming Artists’ exhibition, which was held at the Perth Museum and Art Gallery in George Street, Perth, between Friday 16th and Sunday 25th May 2014.

Visiting specialist teachers of art and design set up the exhibition in preparation for the official opening by local artist Frances Law, on the evening of Thursday 15th May.  Frances, who has devoted the past 30 years to investigating the balance between nature and culture through her works, worked with the Council’s expressive arts service during the current school session.

Works on display came from nursery, primary and secondary schools and featured many aspects of art and design, from painting and drawing to sculpture and other 3D work.

P7 Safe Taysiders Visit

On Friday 23rd May, P7 pupils visited Perth Race Course in the grounds of Scone Palace Park to attend the annual Safe Taysiders event. 

Safe Taysiders is a major multi-agency event where pupils learn how to deal with, and avoid, potentially dangerous situations.  Almost 2000 pupils from throughout Perth and Kinross took part in the annual Safetaysiders event held at a total of 15 special scenarios that were set up by the emergency services, public utilities and other partner agencies.  These included electrical, gas, railway, construction site, farm, water and fire safety amongst others.

Queensferry Crossing Visit

On Wednesday 14th May, P4-7 visited the Forth Replacement Crossing education centre as part of their Science and Technology topic on Bridges.

Pupils learned about the work of Civic Engineers (who design bridges) and the forces that act on bridges.  They learned about some of the different types of bridges (when the new bridge opens in 2016, the Forth will boast three different types of bridge – cantilever, suspension and cable stay – from three different centuries) and about the construction techniques being used to build the new bridge.

Pupils worked co-operatively to build tetrahedrons (triangular based pyramids) to investigate the structural strength of triangles and worked with plan and elevation schematics to build a truss bridge. We may just have a few budding engineers in our midst!

Sing for the Commonwealth


On Wednesday 7th May, the pupils from Abernyte Primary travelled to Perth Concert Hall to take part in the annual Show-In-A-Day event.  Following on from last year’s successful performance of “The Sound of Music”, schools were this time invited to take part in a show based around the upcoming Commonwealth Games which are being held in Glasgow this year.

Each school attending represented a difference country competing in the Commonwealth Games, with abernyte representing Kenya.  Pupils dressed the part, wearing outfits based on traditional Kenyan tribal costumes and two pupils represented the school carrying the Kenyan flag (which pupils had previously painted) in the procession of countries on stage.  Even staff members got in on the act, with Mr Billen and Mrs Holt looking good in their Kenyan attire.

After a day of song rehearsals, a short performance was put on, which featured the Commonwealth themed songs:

“Wakati wa Amani”
“The Jamaican Alphabet”
“Highland Cathedral”
“Going for Gold”
“Can You Hear It?”

Creative Day of Dance

On Tuesday 6th May, the minions invaded Perth Concert Hall for the Creative Day of Dance!  After weeks of choreography and practice, Abernyte and Collace pupils joined forces to perform their own dance to the song “Happy” from the Despicable Me 2 soundtrack.  Pupils worked hard to learn the routine with their peers from Collace and Mrs Holt worked VERY hard designing the dance and drawing all those minion T-shirts!  Well done everyone!