Bluetit Tagging

On Wednesday 12th June, the birds that we have been keeping a close eye on in school, took one more step along the road in their life journey.  Local ornithologists Barry Caudwell, and his wife Cathy, came to Abernyte Primary to ring the baby Bluetits that are currently living in our nesting box.

Pupils have been watching the nesting box that resides in our school playground for weeks, via a TV camera installed inside it.  During that time, they have watched the mother Bluetit build and prepare her nest and lay 6 eggs.  They have witnessed 5 of the eggs hatching and have watched as the mother and father birds cared for their young over time.

Barry Cauldwell is liscenced to ring birds, so our latest additions to the school will be able to be tracked and logged anywhere in the world once they fly the nest.

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