Homework from 10/2/16 until 22/2/16
We are going to practise the phoneme families that we have been learning this year – take a look back at the phonemes on your homework blogs and test yourself on the sounds – take the phoneme challenge at home as well as in school.
Homework ideas:
Experiment with words and sounds.
Common words:
Keep practising the words you have been learning to read
you they all are my herhow last many miss more now never other some take them thing ask best eat find gave home again always book cold day fast well what when where which too two three four five six number
Take the sight word challenge How many can you read confidently?
- A new reading book will now usually be given each Wednesday. The days for reading are Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, so please make sure that pupils have their reading books in their bags so that they can complete reading activities.
- Make a note of any new words.
- Which strategy/strategies did you use to work out the new words.
We have just started to explore the idea of fractions. We started with a whole then split this into halves – both halves have to be the same size! We have introduced the sign ½ so look out for that too.
Here are some ideas of how you can practise at home!
Halve it! Ask children to find as many examples as they can of halves being mentioned in newspapers or magazines. These examples might come from sports reports (half-time, first half), times (half an hour), adverts (half-price), measurements (half full, half a cup), etc. We have introduced the sign ½ so look out for that too. Children draw, stick or write about them for their homework jotter.
Half a shape Ask children to draw shapes and find different ways of finding half.
Half full Ask children to find containers at home, such as measuring jugs, plastic bottles and cartons, and to half-fill them with water
Only use whole and halves in these games until pupils have been taught other fractions.
http://nrich.maths.org/217 – Happy Halving
http://www.kidsolr.com/math/fractions.html – Scroll down to Fraction Help, click on Fraction Practice
Interdisciplinary Learning
We are learning more about where Scottish food and drink comes from.
- Just as we did on our Tesco trip, see if you can be a detective and look for Scottish foods when out in the supermarkets.
- Research foods with a Scottish place name e.g. Dundee Cake, Arbroath smokies and make a list of the foods.
As we have started to learn about different weather conditions, watch some weather reports and think about/note down what information is given.
- Create your own weather report about this week’s weather
- Bring in printed weather forecasts from newspapers or the web
- Bring in any news articles about Hurricane Imogen or other weather stories,