
Today we wrote a story about our visit to Ravenswood Primary to watch the magic show about road safety.

In the afternoon we read the story of Noah’s Ark and learned a new song about Noah. We also learned the names of the different percussion instruments and used them to keep the beat while we all sang the song together.


This afternoon we visited Ravenswood Primary to watch a road safety magic show. Alan and his dog Robbie taught us to STOP, LOOK, LISTEN and THINK every time we cross the road so that we stay safe. He also taught us about waiting for the green man on the pedestrian crossing and what the traffic lights mean.

Homework w/b 23.9.19


Practise reading your book each night. Talk about the main things that happened at the beginning, middle and end of the story.


Practise these words 3 times in choo-choo writing. Use coloured pencils to write if you have them.

Group 1 – down, look, too.

Group 2 – get, big, him, his.

COMMON WORDS – read these words aloud from your word wall or list.

Group 1 – don’t, each, eat, every.

Group 2 – only, are, dad, not   PLUS common words from the word wallets.


Group 1 –  revise all the sounds from your booklet by reading them  aloud from the sound booklet.

Group 2 – Continue to blend the 2 letter blends from your sound sheet and time your child. Can they get quicker each night? The target time for all the blends is 30 seconds.


We are working on counting in tens and adding on single numbers. Try drawing groups of 10 and write the number beside it. Practise counting up and down in tens too. Try drawing groups of 10 and add on single numbers too. Write the number beside your drawing. Here are some examples of what we will be covering –

Continue to work on Sumdog to improve your maths skills.


Homework w/b 16.9.19


Practise reading your book each night. Can you find the spoken words in your book? Look for the speech marks and read the spoken words with expression as though the characters are talking.


Practise these words 3 times and then write a sentence using your spelling words.

see, for, now.

OR   dad, had, back, and.

COMMON WORDS – read these words aloud from your word wall or list.

bring, call, cold, day, don’t

OR   just, to, your, by  PLUS common words from the word wallets.


‘oo’ and ‘ng’ – read aloud from the sound booklet.

OR 2 letter blends (time your child when they have practised).


We will be working on counting in tens this week. Ask your child to count out different amounts of small items (pasta shapes, pennies, straws etc) into bundles of ten eg 32 will be 3 bundles of ten and 2 more.  Do LOTS of these with different numbers up to 100.

Ask your child to draw simple diagrams in rows of 10. For example, 25 pencils will be 2 rows of ten and 5 more. Draw LOTS of different things in your jotter and write the number beside the picture. It will look something like this –

l l l l l l l l l l

l l l l l l l l l l

l l l l l







Today we practised this week’s spelling  words on our partners backs and our white boards. We did our sounds on the magnetic boards and on a worksheet and read our reading books and common words.

In the afternoon we watched and listened again to the story of David and Goliath and we made shields as well as sequencing the pictures from the story.


We worked hard on our reading work today finding missing words from the sentences. We also had P.E and enjoyed the basketball coach who helped us practise our skills.

In the afternoon we had a circle time ‘show and tell’, worked together using good listening skills in the Learning Zone and used the computers to log in to ‘Sumdog’. Why not use Sumdog as part of your homework activities and practise your spelling and maths skills?



We have been very busy today learning our numbers to 100. We also learned about the story of “David and Goliath’ and talked about how God loved him so much he took care of him and kept him safe during the battle against the giant Goliath.



We were working on our mime and movement skills for drama today. We also learned our sound of the week ‘ee’ as well as our new spelling and common words.  In maths we worked on numbers before, after, between and numbers 1 and 2 more or less than each other.

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