Homework w/b 2.3.20

COMMON WORDS – read these words aloud from your word wall or list.
Group 1 – where, which, who, will, wish.
Group 2 – fast, father, fell, find, five   PLUS common words from the word wallets.
Practise writing these words in your jotter in rainbow writing. Do each word three times.

Group 1 -some, come, were.
Group 2 – too, down, look.
Use Sumdog to practise your spelling skills too.

Group 1 –  “ou” sound (pound, cloud, outside, count etc). Practise reading the  “ou”words from your sound booklet each night.
Group 2 – Practise reading aloud the ‘ng’  sound words from your sound booklet every night ( ring, bang, long, sung etc).

We will be talking about summarising the story and saying what happened at the BEGINNING, MIDDLE and END of the story. Ask your child to tell you about the MAIN thing that happened at the beginning, middle or end to check they have understood what they have read.

Practise writing these subtraction words words  in small and capital letters – subtract, take away, minus, less than.

Remember to start at the correct place and make the capitals and tall letters touch the top line in your jotter.
Make tall letters and capitals twice as big as the small letters.
Sit your letter on or below the line.


Continue to make up some oral mental calculations using these subtraction words – TAKE AWAY, SUBTRACT, LESS THAN, MINUS etc, for example;

What is 2 less than 19?  What is 18 minus 6?  Subtract 5 from 19,  15 take away 3?  If you want write the sum in your jotter too.


This is Fairtrade Fortnight and we are running a competition to come up with words associated with Fairtrade.

Your child will come home with a competition form which needs their name and class on it. Please return when completed or no later than Friday 6th March.


This Friday is Pancake Breakfast day. You are invited along to have a cup of tea and a pancake and to be entertained with the children singing. Primary 2 will be singing at 10.20 am approximately. Donations are welcome.

Homework w/b 24.2.20

COMMON WORDS – read these words aloud from your word wall or list.
Group 1 – well, were, what, when.
Group 2 – don’t, eat, each, every   PLUS common words from the word wallets.
Practise writing these words in your jotter in capital and small letters. Do each word three times. Group 1 -like, so, do.
Group 2 – now, for, see.
Use Sumdog to practise your spelling skills too.

Group 1 –  “ew” sound (grew, flew, news, threw etc). Practise reading the  “ew”words from your sound booklet each night.
Group 2 – Practise reading aloud the ‘oo’  sound words from your new sound booklet every night ( room, stool, spoon, school etc).
Read your book each night being careful to read the words on the page accurately (don’t add extra words, miss out words or read different words from the ones on the page).

We will be working on questioning to gain understanding of the story. Can you find any questions in your reading book or a story book? Can you make up some questions for someone else to answer?

Practise these letters in small and capital letters –
vV, wW, zZ
Remember to start at the correct place and make the capitals and tall letters touch the top line in your jotter.
Make tall letters and capitals twice as big as the small letters.
Sit your letter on or below the line.


Make up some oral mental calculations using these subtraction words – TAKE AWAY, SUBTRACT, LESS THAN, MINUS etc, for example;

What is 3 less than 17?  What is 19 minus 5?  Subtract 4 from 18,  20 take away 5?  If you want write the sum in your jotter too.


This is Fairtrade Fortnight and we are running a competition to come up with words associated with Fairtrade.

Your child will come home with a competion form which needs their name and class on it. Please return when completed or no later than Friday 6th March.


Homework w/b 17.2.20

Group 1 –  “u-e” sound (clue, argue, statue etc). Practise reading the  “u-e”words from your sound booklet each night.
Group 2 – Practise reading aloud the ‘ee’  sound words from your new sound booklet every night (wheel, street, keep etc).
Read your book each night being careful to read the words on the page accurately (don’t add extra words, miss out words or read different words from the ones on the page).

We will be working on questioning to gain understanding of the story. Can you find any questions in your reading book or a story book? Can you make up some questions for someone else to answer?
Practise these letters in small and capital letters –
uU, yY, xX
Remember to start at the correct place and make the capitals and tall letters touch the top line in your jotter.
Make tall letters and capitals twice as big as the small letters.
Sit your letter on or below the line.

COMMON WORDS – read these words aloud from your word wall or list.
Group 1 – two, under, very, want, week.
Group 2 – book, bring, call, cold, day   PLUS common words from the word wallets.
Practise writing these words in your jotter in rainbow writing. Do each word three times.
Group 1 – put, said, have
Group 2 – them, with, then
Use Sumdog to practise your spelling skills too.


Do some adding on from 18 and 19 like this;

18 + 4 =                                                    6 + 18 =

19 + 5 =                                                     3 + 19 =

Do lots of examples like this.

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