Home Learning 7.5.20

Home Learning 7.5.20

Maths – 3-D Shape

Shapes have different parts. This picture shows what they are;

The FACE of a shape is the name of the flat surface.

The VERTICES is another name for the  CORNERS.

The EDGE of a shape is a line that joins two corners together. 

Warm Up

Watch these clips about the faces, edges and corners of 3-D shapes;




Main Task

Here is a photograph of some real 3-D shapes you might see around you in the real world. Can you identify the name of each 3-D shape?

Try answering these questions in your jotter.

Fun Finisher

Try playing these shape games;



Go on a shape hunt  around your house. Can you find things that are the same as these shapes?

Were there any shapes you couldn’t find?

Literacy – Writing Instructions

Warm Up

We are going to learn all about how important it is to wash your hands so that you get rid of any germs or viruses. Watch this clip;

Here are all the important steps in washing your hands properly;

Now go and try washing your hands yourself. Can you remember all the steps?

Main Task

You are going to write the instructions on how to wash your hands.

Watch this clip about all the things you need to include when you write instructions;


Imagine you have to teach an alien (or a robot) how to wash their hands because they have never done it before.

Write the instructions on how to wash your hands. Remember to begin each instruction with a doing word and try to include some joining words (and, then, because etc).

Remember to include all these important points.

Another way of describing  ‘Bossy Verbs’ are DOING WORDS (Turn, Put, Get, Wash, Rub, Rinse etc).

Here is an example of how to write the instructions on how to turn a child into a frog.

Fun Finisher

Try this experiment at home showing how soap prevents germs or viruses from staying  on our hands;

Sing a long with these songs;

Listen and read this story about washing hands;



Can you teach someone in your family how to wash their hands properly? Make sure you explain all the steps and not miss any out.





Home Learning 6.5.20

Home Learning 6.5.20

Number – Subtraction

Warm Up

Watch this video clip about subtraction


Try these mental maths subtraction sums in your head;

10 – 4 =             8 – 4 =             7 -3 =

12 – 6 =            15 – 5 =            13 – 2 =

10 – 9 =            14 – 7 =            17 – 5 =

16 – 8 =            19 – 10 =          11 – 7 =

Main Task – Function Machines

Here is a subtraction ‘function machine’ which subtracts 1 from each number.

Whatever number you put in, it subtracts 1 and the answer comes out the other side.

Copy and complete the answers to these function machine subtraction sums like this;

8 – 3 = ?   etc



Look carefully at the number you have to take away because each machine changes the number you have to subtract.

Fun Finisher

Play this fun subtraction game to improve your subtraction skills;



Make up your own subtraction sums using this function machine.

Draw your robot and choose a number to write in the middle where the green rectangle is (no bigger than 10). This is the number you will be subtracting.

Choose a starting number that’s bigger than the one you will be subtracting and write it beside his first hand. Now subtract the middle number and work out the answer. Write the answer as it comes out the machine beside his other hand.

Literacy – Reading 


Watch this clip explaining the difference between fiction and non-fiction texts.


Main Task

Read the title of each book from this worksheet and decide if its fiction (made up events) or non-fiction (real information).

Divide a page in your jotter into two like this;


Write the title ‘Fiction’ at one side and ‘Non-Fiction’ at the other.

Draw the picture and write the title of each book in the correct column.

Fun Finisher

Choose some fiction and non-fiction books to read from this site;











Home Learning 5.5.20

Home Learning 5.5.20

Number – Multiply by 2

Warm Up

To know your 2 x’s table you need to be good at counting in 2’s.

Count up in 2’s in a loud, quiet, squeaky, fast or slow voice.

You also need to be good at doubling numbers. Try doubling these numbers;

3, 7, 6, 10, 8, 4, 0, 9, 2, 5, 11, 12.

Main Task

Watch these video clips to help you learn your 2 x’s table;


Copy and complete these sums in your jotter;

Fun Finisher

Play these 2 x’s table games;


(Choose ‘Times Tables’ and ‘x2’)


Sing along with this 2 x’s table song;


Can you make a  game with flashcards? Cut up some paper and write a 2 x’s table sum on one side (4 x 2) and the answer on the back (8). Make a set of cards with all the sums and answers.

Get someone in your family to test you with your 2 x’s table sums.



Sounds – ‘oa’,  ‘ow’ and ‘o-e’.

Warm Up

Watch these clips about the ‘oa’,  ‘ow’ and ‘o-e’ sound.

Main Task 

Look at this picture and find two ‘ow’ words and two ‘o-e’ words.

Read this poem with ‘oa’ words. Copy them into your jotter and use a coloured pencil to highlight the ‘oa’ sound. Here is an example;


Can you read this list of ‘oa’, ‘o-e’ and  ‘ow’ words out loud? Try it again and see if you can get quicker.

Divide a page in your jotter and write the title ‘ow’ and ‘oa’ at the top of each column. Write each ‘oa’ or ‘ow’ word in the correct column and draw a picture beside it.

Fun Finisher

Join in chanting and and singing along to help you learn your sounds.




How many ‘oa’ and ‘ow’ words you can remember?

Time yourself for 1 minute and record your answer. Try it again – can you beat your score?



Home Learning 4.5.20

Home Learning 4.5.20

Number – Adding 3 Numbers

Warm Up

Remember – you can add numbers in any order.

You could look for easy numbers to add together first, like numbers that add to 10, then add the last number.

Or look for doubles and near doubles to help you add.

Or start with the largest number and add on the smaller numbers.

Watch this video clip telling how the order you add in doesn’t matter – you always get the same answer!


Main Task

Try adding these 3 number sums in your jotter;

Fun Finisher

Can you add each column or row with  3 numbers in the grids below? Draw each grid in your jotter and write your answers in a cloud beside it.

REMEMBER – you can add numbers in ANY order. Just look for an easy way for you.

Play this  game to help you add three numbers together.


Choose Level 2, Addition, Three One-digit numbers.

Select the ‘Manual’ button and you can work at your own speed or why not be timed to see how quickly you can work out the answer?

Write down the answers only and check to see if you are correct by clicking ‘Finish’.

Try this game too;



Can you make your own 3 number addition grid and get someone else in your family to solve it?

You would need to be the teacher and mark their work. Maybe you could traffic light it too.

Literacy – Spelling

Warm Up

Here are this week’s spelling words.

be, was, you, they

Warm Up

Use the 5 rules of spelling to help you write each of this week’s spelling words on the someone else’s back. 

Then swap over and they write each word on your back. Give each other feedback so you know if you got it right.

Main Task

Now try this spelling task;

Write each of your spelling words in a silly sentence eg. (Remember capitals and full stops!)

It was a rainy day so I sunbathed in the garden.

Fun Finisher

Play Sumdog spelling for 10 minutes.








Home Learning 1.5.20

Home Learning 1.5.20

Maths – 2-D Shapes

Warm Up

Go on a shape hunt around your house to find things that are the same shape as the ones above. How many of each shape can you find? Were there some shapes you couldn’t find? Which shape did you find lots of?

Main Task

Watch this clip about 2-D shapes

Look at this space picture called ‘Shapes All Around Us’.

Now try answering these questions about the picture. Write the answers in your jotter.

Fun Finisher

Sing along with this 2-D shape song;

Now try playing these;

game 1

game 2

Literacy – Reading for Enjoyment

Listen and read along with the popular book ‘Rumble in the Jungle’.

Choose one of the jungle animals, or another animal or pet, to research and find out about. Draw and colour your animal and tell someone all about what you found out about it.

Here are some sites you can use to research facts about animals;



Fun Finisher

Listen and read along with this Aesop’s fable tale;


Choose one  of the animals for ‘Rumble in the Jungle’ or any animal or pet. Can you make up a rhyme about your animal?

Why not add a tune and make it into a song. Sing it to your family to entertain them.








Home Learning 30.4.20

Home Learning 30.4.20

Maths – Money

Warm Up

Ask a grown up to borrow some coins or get some from your piggy bank if you have one.

Put them in order, starting with the smallest VALUE (not the smallest size).

Main Task

Watch this clip about different ways to make 20p.


How many different ways can you find to make coins that make 20p?

Draw around them in your jotter.

Copy and complete this money work.

Fun Finisher

Make a shop using things around the house (toys, food, books, stationary etc).

Make a  price label for each item and ‘pay’ for each thing using different coins.


Can you work out the change from 20p by doing an adding or take away sum?

Literacy – Writing

Warm Up

Listen to and read the story of ‘The Magic Paintbrush’.

Main Task

Can you think of an object that could be magic that could turn images into reality? Maybe its a pencil or a pen. Maybe it could be a magic finger or i-pad?
Make a story map showing WHERE your story takes place (setting) and WHO the characters are ( a good and a bad character).

Think about WHAT happens at the beginning, middle and end of your story. Draw the important things you need to include and add important words (here is an example).

Now write your story in your jotter. Use the picture below to help you remember all these important points;



Fun Finisher

Can you become a magician? Watch this clip to learn some magic tricks of your own. 

Why not perform them to your family and entertain them with your magic skills!




Home Learning 29.4.20

Home Learning 29.4.20


Subtraction – Bridging

Warm Up

Bridging can help us to subtract numbers. Look at this picture.

13 – 5 

For 13 – 5, we need to count back to the 10 first (take away 3) and then take away the rest of the number (2). Work it out like this;

First do   13 – 3 = 10
then do    10 – 2 = 8
so                13 – 5 = 8

Mental Maths

Try these mental maths subtraction sums;

13 – 5 = ?          15 – 6 = ?          14 – 8 = ?

17 – 9 = ?          12 – 7 = ?          16 – 8 = ?

11 – 7 = ?          18 – 9 = ?          13 – 8 = ?

14 – 7 = ?          12 – 9 = ?          15 – 9 = ?

Main Task

Copy and complete these subtraction sums in your jotter.

Fun Finisher

Watch this clip about subtraction.

Play this subtraction game.

Now try this Activelearn game.

Reading – Famous Authors

Warm Up

One of the best loved authors of children’s books is Julia Donaldson.  Watch this clip of a live presentation where she reads some of her most popular books.

Here’s a link to the clip Scottish Book Trust

Main Task

Find out as many facts as you can about Julia Donaldson by researching all about her online, or using this Oxfordowl link and reading the book ‘Julia Donaldson A Biography’.

Remember you need to sign up to the Oxfordowl site which is free to join.

Make a poster  with some of the facts about her life and the books she has written. How many facts can you write about? Illustrate your poster with pictures.

Fun Finisher

Here are some of Julia Donaldson’s  books for you to read;



Can you find any more Julia Donaldson books online or do you  have any of your own? Why not read some together with a grown up?











Home Learning 28.4.20

Home Learning – 28.4.20

Maths –

Repeated Addition and Multiplcation

If you can ADD, you can MULTIPLY! Multiplying is just adding the same number the right number of times.


Watch this clip showing how adding the same number can help you to multiply.

Main Task

Draw and write these repeated addition sums and then write the multiplication sum as well.

Fun Finisher

Play this ActivLearn game.

Try this game too. Choose the 2x’s table.


Sounds – igh/y


Watch these clips about the ‘igh’ and ‘y’ sound;

Main Task

How many ‘igh’ words can you remember from the clip? Can you think of any more?

Draw a large light bulb in your jotter and write the ‘igh’ sound in the middle. Write as many of the ‘igh’ words that you can around the outside. Use coloured pens or pencils if you can.

Do the same for the ‘y’ sound. Draw a large question mark (for ‘why‘) and write the ‘y’ sound in the middle. Write as many ‘y’ words as you can think of around the question mark. Use different colours too.

Fun Finisher

Play this ‘igh’ game.

Select the ‘Wordsearch’ and ‘Against the Clock’ games.

Sing along with this song;





Home Learning 27.4.20

Home Learning 27.4.20

Good morning boys and girls, I hope you had a good weekend and were enjoying the lovely sunshine we have had. Here are your tasks for today.

Home Learning

Number –

Adding – Bridging


Watch these clips to remind you how to bridge across 10.


Main Task

Try these sums. Copy and complete them  in your jotter using the bridging strategy.

 Challenge – can you teach someone else how to bridge across a ten to help them with their adding?

Fun Finisher

Try playing this game – choose the adding game and then select these games;

  • up to 25
  • bonds for 20
  • three digit numbers


Can you have a go at the above game and try to find numbers that add to 100? Choose

  • bonds for 100

Literacy – Spelling

Here are this week’s spelling words.

he, she, we, me.


Use the 5 rules of spelling to help you write each of this week’s spelling words on the floor using your finger. (LOOK, SAY, COVER, WRITE, CHECK).

Main Task

Use different coloured pens or pencils and try this activity.


Fun Finisher

Play ‘Sumdog’ spelling for 10 minutes.


Can you write a short story with 2 or 3 sentences using all of this week’s spelling words?

Remember to begin each sentence with a capital and end with a full stop.










Home Learning 24.4.20

Home Learning 24.4.20

Maths – Non- standard Measure


Watch this video clip explaining how to measure things using different non-standard objects. 

Can you find different objects around your house to measure things with? Remember each object needs to be the exact same thing and length. Here are some ideas of what to use;

Main Task

Find 5 different things around the house to measure with your non-standard measuring objects (table, shoe, favourite toy, story book, jotter etc). Record your answers by drawing and writing the measurement beside it in your jotter. Estimate or guess your answer first and then measure to see how close you were.

Fun Finisher

Watch this video about measuring with non-standard units;

Literacy – Rhymes


Can you say or sing some rhymes you already know? How about Humpty Dumpty, I’m A Little Teapot, Incy Wincy Spider, Mary Had a Little Lamb? How many can you remember? Here are some more.

Main Task

Watch and listen to this rhyming story

Read the story again yourself. Can you find all the words that rhymed? 

Here are your spelling words for this week;

now, down, look, too

How many words can you find that rhyme with each one? Write a list of all the rhyming words in your jotter.

Fun Finisher

Sing along with these rhyming songs;


Can you make up some rhyming phrases? Tell them to someone else. Maybe you could add a tune and make it into a song? Why not dress up as a pop star and perform your song to your family?

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