Home Learning 27.5.20

Home Learning 27.5.20

Good morning boys and girls, I hope you have been enjoying the lovely sunny weather we have been having lately.

Here are your tasks for today.


Missing Numbers or Symbols

Warm Up

Watch this clip about how to solve missing number problems:

Main Task

Can you be a number detective?

Number Detective | Teaching numbers, Detective, Hundreds chart

Sometimes missing numbers can have a symbol instead  of the number.

Solve these adding problems by working out the value of each shape. Write the sums in your jotter.


Make up your own puzzle using shapes or any other symbol instead of numbers. Give it to someone in your family to solve. You be the teacher and mark their work.

Extra Challenge

Can you solve these problems?

How about this one?

Fun Finisher

Play this game about missing numbers by clicking on the picture:Toy Theater | Fun Online Educational Games for Kids


Sounds – ‘ff’

Warm Up

Watch these clips about the ‘ff’ sound:

The f & ff sound | Phase 2 Phonics | f words | ff words - BBC Bitesize


Main Task

Write the ‘ff’ words in your jotter and draw the pictures to match.


Choose 3 ‘ff’ words. Write a sentence with each of your chosen words. Remember to begin with a capital and end with a full stop.

Fun Finisher

Play this ‘ff’ game by clicking on the picture. You need to select the ‘ff’ sound too.

Review: Phonics Bloom – Special Educational Needs Resources Blog



Home Learning 26.5.20

Home Learning 26.5.20

Good morning boys and girls, I hope you have had a very good holiday weekend and you have been enjoying some outdoor activities. Here are your tasks for today:

Maths – Number Names

Warm Up

Numbers can be written as numerals (10, 11, 12 ,1 3 etc) or words (ten, fourteen, twenty etc)

Watch this clip about the number names up to twenty:

Main Task

Copy the number names and write the number beside it in your jotter.

Can you draw the frames below with the correct number of dots and write the number and word under it?


Fun Finisher

Play these number name games:

Game 1

Game 2


How many number names can you find in this word search?



Here are this week’s spelling words:

you, was, have, his

Warm Up

Click on the picture below to take you to the ‘Epic’ reading site.

Click on your name and it will take you to the class page. Find your name and check your mailbox at the top right corner.

Read one of your books and see if you can spot your spelling words. How many times can you see each one?

If you have a problem using this link, follow these instructions.

Main Task

Try this fun activity using your spelling words. Remember your words are:

you, was, have, his


Fun Finisher

Can you spell the words to decode this message?


Can you make up a game of ‘Snap’ with your spelling words?

Get some paper or card and cut it up into rectangles (about 20 or 30). Write each spelling word on a different card. Play the game with someone in your family to see who wins. Good luck!





Home Learning 21.5.20

Home Learning 21.5.20


Time – Analogue and Digital Clocks

Warm Up

Here is an analogue clock:

Go on a time hunt around your house. How many analogue clocks can you find?  (watches count too)

How many digital clocks can you find? (phones, computers, tablets, electrical appliances etc).

How many of each did you find?

Main Task

Watch these clips showing o’clock and half past times on analogue and digital clocks:


Main Task

Draw these analogue and digital clocks in your jotter to the times shown.


How good are you are setting the analogue and digital clocks to the o’clock and half past times? Explore this game to find out:

Time tools: 24-hour to the minute - 5 (Mathematics)

Fun Finisher

Sing and dance along with this song.

KS1 Maths: Telling the Time - BBC Teach

Play this time game.  Choose ‘hour and half hour’.

Try this game too.

Literacy – Writing

Non-Fiction Book Review

Warm Up

Join in and sing along with this song to remind you about the difference between fiction and non-fiction books:

Main Task

We are going to be finding out information about the life cycle of a butterfly.

Watch this clip explaining how a caterpillar changes into a butterfly.


Click on the picture below to take you to the ‘Epic’ reading site. I have assigned you a non-fiction book about the life cycle of the butterfly.

Click on your name and it will take you to your book. If the book does not come up on your screen immediately, check your mailbox. It will be there.  Have fun finding out facts about butterflies.

If you have a problem using this link, follow these instructions.

Write about the four stages the butterfly’s life cycle.


Go on a mini beast hunt with your family when you go out on your daily walk with an adult.

How many different insects can you find? Did you see any butterflies? Do some research and see if you can find out what kind of butterflies you have found.

Fun Finisher

Draw or paint a beautiful butterfly. Design your own pattern for its wings but make sure both sides are symmetrical.

Watch and read the story of ‘The Hungry Caterpillar’:


Home Learning 20.5.20

Home Learning 20.5.20

Good morning boys and girls, its a beautiful day and the sun is shining. I hope you get out to enjoy this lovely weather today.

Here are your tasks for today.


Addition – Function Machines

Warm Up

Watch this clip that explains all about how function machines  work;

Main Task 

Look at these  adding function machine sums. Copy each sum into your jotter and work out the answer. 

REMEMBER – you can add numbers in ANY order.


Make up your own addition sums using a function machine like this;

Draw your robot and choose a number to write in the middle where the green rectangle is. This is the number you will be adding.

Choose a starting number  and write it beside his first hand (the input number). Now add the middle number and work out the answer. Write the answer as it comes out the machine beside his other hand ( the output number).

Fun Finisher

Play these adding game. The first game is just like a function machine. Choose the number you want to keep adding.

The second game is a robot adding game.

Yet Another New Addition Game Launched | The Topmarks Blog


The Sumdog Competition is still open and you need to play as much as you can to add more points to your score and be in with a chance of winning. It closes on Friday so the more you play, the better your chances of winning. Good Luck!


Reading – Non-Fiction Texts

Warm Up

Watch this clip about the difference between fiction and non-fiction books:

Main Task

Click on the picture below to take you to the ‘Epic’ reading site. I have assigned some non-fiction books to read. 

Click on your name and check your your mailbox at the top right corner. Your books will be there. Have fun finding out facts and information.

Choose one of the non- fiction books you enjoyed reading and write a book review about it. Write  some facts  and information in your jotter and draw a picture of you favourite piece of information.


Do some research of your own on a subject that interests you. Tell someone all about what you found out.

Fun Finisher

Play this fun literacy game:

Play Karate Cats English Game For Kids | Free Online Spelling ...




Home Learning 19.5.20

Home Learning 19.5.20

Good morning boys and girls, here are your tasks for today.

Maths – Multiplication

Groupings and Repeated Addition

Warm Up

Watch this video clip about groups;

Can you find things around your house to make equal groups? You could use toys, coins, pasta shapes or anything you like.

Main Task

Try drawing and writing about the sets or groups of things below;

Now watch this clip about using repeated addition to work out a multiplication sum;


Copy and complete these repeated addition sums in your jotter. You might want to draw the pictures? You decide.


Make up your own repeated addition sums. Draw the pictures and write the sum. Can you work out the answer by adding them all up?

Fun Finisher

Log in to Sumdog and join in with the North Lanarkshire competition to see if we can be crowned the Sumdog champion.

Remember the more you play the better your chance of winning.


Sounds – ‘ow’ (owl) and ‘ou’ (cloud)

Warm Up

Watch these video clips about the ‘ow’ and ‘ou’ sound.

Main Task

Draw the ‘ow’ and ‘ou’ words in your jotter and write the word underneath it.


Can you think of any other ‘ow’ or ‘ou’ words? Can you spell the word out loud correctly, using the correct sound?

Fun Finisher 

Play this ‘ou’ game You need to click on the arrow to take you to the next page. Choose the ‘ou’ sound.

Sing along with this ‘ow’ and ‘ou’ song.


Home Learning 18.5.20

Home Learning 18.5.20

Good morning boys and girls, I hope you are all well and been keeping active and busy. Here are your tasks for today;


Word Problems

Warm Up

Watch this video about solving word problems;


Main Task

Solving problems means you’ve got to use your brain and think about what you have been asked.

Lot of words tell you to add. Here are some;

altogether, how many, add, find the sum, plus, and, more than, how many more?

Lots of words tell you to take away. Here are some;

subtract, minus, the difference between, less than, how many are left?  fewer.

Here are some problems for you to solve. Write your answers in your jotter.

Fun Finisher

Play this number adding or subtracting  game. 



This week’s spelling words are;

the, me, my, into

Warm Up

Write each word on the floor using your finger. Remember to use the 5 rules of spelling (Look, Say, Cover, Write, Check).

Main Task

Collect any old comics, newspapers or other kinds of texts and try this activity;


Can you learn to finger spell your spelling words? Here is the British Sign Language chart which shows how to sign all the letters of the alphabet so deaf people understand you;

Your words are;

the, me, my, into.

Fun Finisher

Test yourself to see if you can spell your words by entering them into this game;


Health and Well Being

Sometimes we get worried and upset about things, especially when there is change. Here is a lovely story that could help you:

Mrs McMillan has made this guide to help you stay relaxed. Why not try out some of the breathing exercises?










Fun Finisher

You can be the teacher and give someone in your family  some word problems to solve.

Remember, you need to work out the answer to check if they got it right.


Can you make up some word problems of your own? See if you can use all the addition and subtraction words above

Home Learning 15.5.20

Home Learning 15.5.20


Fractions – Halves

Warm Up

Watch this clip about equal halves;


Main Task

Here are some fruits that have been cut into 2 EQUAL HALVES. 

Now answer these questions in your jotter about halves.


Ask an adult to help you divide things into 2 halves. Why not half some fruit equally. You might make a sandwich or toast and cut it into 2 equal halves, or half a bar of chocolate or a cake or pizza. Maybe you could share out some sweets between 2 people so each person has an equal half.

Fun Finisher

A half can also be written like this – 1/2.

Here is a story about 1/2.

Watch this video about splitting things into halves.

Extra Challenge

Why  not join in with the North Lanarkshire’s Sumdog competition?

If you play for around an hour over the coming week you will have earned a good enough score to be in with a chance of winning.

Good luck and enjoy playing!

Literacy – Reading

Warm Up 

Play this reading game.

Choose ‘Ursula – Reading and Understanding’.

Main Task

Read this story about the ‘The Lion and the Mouse’.

Find the answers to these questions from the story above. Write your answers in your jotter.

Fun Finisher

Log in to the ‘Epic’ reading site or app and choose some books to read for enjoyment. Here are the sign in details again;

Listen and watch this video of ‘The Lion and the Mouse’ story.






Home Learning 14.5.20

Home Learning 14.5.20

Maths – Capacity

Warm Up

Capacity is the amount of liquid a container holds.

Watch this clip telling you all about what capacity is and some vocabulary we use when we talk about the capacity of a container;

Now watch this clip about which containers hold MORE or LESS than others.


Main Task

The capacity of these containers have been measured to see how many teaspoons each holds. Look and see if you can tell which one holds MORE or LESS.

Answer these questions in a sentence in your jotter about which container holds more or less.


Find some containers in your house (cups, jugs, empty tins, pans etc) and see if you can measure the CAPACITY of each one. 

You could use spoons, cups, ladles etc to measure with. Which hold MORE or LESS than each other.

Fun Finisher

Watch this video to solve the puzzle of which container holds more or less.

Literacy – The Alphabet

Warm Up

Keep fit by dancing and singing along with these disco, salsa and rap  alphabet songs;

Main Task

Go on an alphabet hunt around your house. Can you find something for EVERY letter of the alphabet?

Copy the letters of the alphabet into your jotter like this and write the name of the thing you find beside each letter. You could draw a small picture too if you want.

Fun Finisher

Play a game of ‘I Spy With My Little Eye’ with someone in your family.






Home Learning 13.5.20

Home Learning 13.5.20


Time – Months and Calendars

Can you read the months of the year from this poster?

Can you say the months of the year with your eyes closed?

Warm Up

Sing and dance along to this rap about the months of the year.

Main Task

Watch this video about time and CALENDARS.

Here is a calendar showing all the months of the year and any special events that happen in each month. The red circles around the number tells you the date the event is on.

Can you answer these questions by looking at the calendar? Write your answers in your jotter.

Fun Finisher

How many months can you find in this wordsearch?


Can you make your own calendar by drawing a grid with 12 boxes and writing the months at the top of each box?

January February March


May June July


September October November



 Draw some pictures in the correct box showing the month some special occasions are in your family (birthdays, Christmas, Halloween, Valentines Day, Easter, Bonfire Night, Robert Burns’ birthday, St. Andrews Day etc).


Sounds – ‘ew’ ‘ue’ and ‘u-e’.

Warm Up

Watch these clips about the ‘ew’ ‘ue’ and ‘u-e’ sound;

Main Task

Can you read these ‘ew’, ‘ue’ and ‘u-e’ words out loud? Time yourself to see how quickly you can read them.

Copy and complete this worksheet in your jotter;

Fun Finisher

Watch and listen to this story with the ‘ue’ sound in it called

‘Mr. Fortescue’


Play this game but watch out! It has another sound in it that makes the same sound – ‘ui’ (suit, fruit)






Home Learning 12.5.20

Home Learning 12.5.20

Good morning boys and girls, I hope you have all had a good weekend and are ready for some learning.

There is a great free reading site called ‘Epic Reading’ which allows you access to lots of fabulous books. When you are logged in, find your name and you’re ready to read – have fun!

Here is the address and class code;


Class Code: htv7372

Here are your tasks learning for today.

Maths – Information Handling


Warm Up

We can find out lots of information from pictures, charts and graphs.

Watch this clip all about finding , using and creating information in a graph.


Main Task

Here is a graph showing information on how children travel to school.  At the bottom it tells you how they travelled to school (walk, car, bus, bicycle and train). Each figure drawn means 1 person.

Can you find out some information by looking at the graph?

Here are some questions about the graph. Write your answers in your jotter.

Fun Finisher

Play these games about graphs;

Game 1

Game 2


Spelling/ Common Words/Handwriting

Here are this week’s spelling words.

all, are, my, her.


Use the 5 rules of spelling to help you write each of this week’s spelling words in the air. (LOOK, SAY, COVER, WRITE, CHECK).

Main Task – Spelling

Write each of your spelling words ACROSS and DOWN three times each like this;

Common Words/Handwriting

Here are your common reading words. Find the ones your group were working on. Practise reading them aloud. How fluent are you?

Choose 5 common words and write them in your neatest handwriting.

Fun Finisher

Play Sumdog spelling for 10 minutes.


Can you write a sentence using all your spelling words?
(all, are, my, her).







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