14.9.20 Homework

We have been reading the shared text ‘Planet Earth Here We Come’ on the Active Learn ‘Bug Club’ site in class and discussing some of the difficult vocabulary in the story.

Here is the link to the book for you to enjoy reading together;

Digital Learning | Pearson Global Schools

You can also listen and watch a storyteller reading the story for you. Click this link to listen;

Miss Ferguson has set a homework task for you to do this week. The children have been given an outline of a hand to write or draw on each finger a good quality they possess. Check out the main blog for more details.


We had a virtual assembly today in our class. Mr. Green welcomed us to the first virtual assembly, Miss  Ferguson  talked  to  us  about  homework and  Mrs.  Thomson  told  us  about  a  survey  we  all  had  to  do  about  how  we  come  to  school.  Miss  Ferguson  also  announced  the  first  ’star  pupils’  of  the  year.  Well  done  to  everyone.

Here is our proud star pupil for P2 –


Well done what a great achievement!

8.9.20 Homework

Homework Meeting | Gillibrand Primary School

The main school blog has information on whole school homework tasks over the month of September so please check that for details of what to do.

I have allocated a new shared book on the ‘Bug Club’ site called ‘Planet Earth Here We Come’. Click on the link below to access the book.

Bug Club - Luton Junior School

Enjoy reading and discussing the book together.


We finished our ‘Shaun the Shy Shark’ pictures today by adding more sea creatures to our pictures. We used paint, collage materials, felts and crayons to make the finished masterpieces. Don’t they look AMAZING!

We’ve also been learning about the ‘ch’ sound, practising our spelling, reading words, handwriting and making up numbers using our number frames. What a busy day we have had.


This afternoon we read the story called ‘Shaun the Shy Shark’ and talked about feeling shy. It also helped us with our ‘sh’ words which is this week’s main sound. Then we made shark pictures which we will finish tomorrow.

We also displayed our ClassCharter pictures we made of ourselves yesterday. Don’t they look great!


Your child was given their user name and password to enable them to access our new digital literacy resource called ‘Bug Club’ today. This is part of the Active Learn resource which the school subscribes to.

They will be introduced to a ‘shared’ text that should be read and discussed with a grown up to aid understanding and comprehension of a story. The book will have been introduced in class and will be part of their homework.

Your child will not be expected to read the story on their own as it is meant to be read together and for you both to discuss the characters, events and vocabulary to deepen their understanding and enjoyment of the story.

The book we are working on is ‘Where Next Dinky? Click this link to access it. It works best on Google Chrome.

Pearson Active Learn Login ~ learn german language words

Once you are logged in, click the ‘My Stuff’ tab and the book that has been allocated should appear. Once you have finished reading it, it will be stored in ‘My Library’ for you to read at a later time.

Have fun reading together!



Today we took part in some yoga and used collage materials to make pictures of ourselves to put on our Class Charter. We have been learning about Article 19 – the right to be safe and Article 31 – the right to play.

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