All posts by Mrs McMillan

Monday 21st March

All the things we did today had something to do with Easter.  We noted different ways we celebrate Easter in this country.  We also learned and sequenced the Easter Story and found out why it is so important to Christians.  We even managed to fit in our new phoneme u-e and make an Easter based block graph in maths.  We also started making something that we’ll finish off tomorrow – but that’s a surprise!

Tricky tricky words!

As part of our weather topic, we wanted to know how rain happens.  Luckily one of the boys in our class told us about the water cycle.  We found out more about the water cycle today and even made up an action to help us remember each very tricky word.  We learned about evaporation, condensation, precipitation and collection.    Check out the following photos and see if you can work out which action goes with which word!

Please ask us about the water cycle at home and see if we can tell you all about it.


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Is spring here?

We went out for a walk around the playground to search for clues that winter is over and spring has started.  We found daffodils, crocus and snowdrops.  We saw buds on the bushes and trees.  More birds were flying around and we even saw a bee buzzing around the flowers.  The best sign of spring was that it was a lovely sunny day that felt much warmer than last month!


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Tuesday 8th March 2016

Today we used our notes about tornadoes to create our own piece of writing.  We had to make up our own sentences to write information about tornadoes.  I think you’ll be amazed at what we found out!  Have a look in our jotters when you visit us for parents’ evening.

Monday 7th March

We have been looking forward to a sunny day so that we could do a real-life survey of the cars and other vehicles that pass the school.  We worked in pairs and used tally marks to record how many cars of different colours passed by.  We turned the information that we had collected into a block graph in our jotters.

We really enjoyed ourselves and lots of us want to do more surveys at home or during playtime.

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Springing into action!

Spring is here, buds are forming and p2 are jumping around!  In the gym we were trying out different sorts of jumps.  We remembered to swing our arms and spring up to jump, and bend our knees when we landed.   We then linked up a balance with one of our jumps.


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Lovely Leap Year 2016!

Today was a very special day because 29th February doesn’t happen every year.  We found out about why there is a leap year almost every four years.  We could link the information to our work on quarters in fractions and to the information we learned about the Earth orbiting the sun from Mrs Bacai.

We had some more practice with tally marks.  We have brought home our sheet and can teach you how to use tally marks if you don’t already know.  We did a virtual traffic survey in the class but we hope to do a real one outside on a warmer day.

Careers week – day 2

P2 have had a very interesting day today.  As well as maths and storywriting, we have listened to 3 different people talk about their jobs.  First of all we met a train driver called Emma.  She told us how important it was to keep safe around trains and tracks.  She told us lots of information about her job and how much training was needed.  Next we met Fiona the animal welfare officer.  She told us about her job and showed us how dogs are microchipped and scanned.  If you need your dog microchipped, NLC will do it for only £8.  She showed us pooper scoopers and bags that you can get for free from NLC.  Finally we met Jim the joiner.  He had lots of different tools to show us and talk about what they are used for.  He reminded us that they are not toys and we should not touch them if we see them around our house or garage.  We got to pass round some of his safety equipment and Jessica got to try some on.


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Careers Week – day one.

This week we are going to have lots of people coming into our school to talk about their jobs.  Today, Hina and Ciara talked to us about the Solar System.  They are space engineers.  We learned about the different planets and their distance from the sun.  We drew the planets out on long stretches of paper to help us understand the distances.  We also found out about things in space like rockets and satellites.   Later on we met Fiona who is a Betterware Agent.  We had a look at the catelogue and saw some of the products she sells.  We had fun guessing what they were used for.  We are looking forward to the rest of the week.  I wonder if it will help us decide what to do when we grow up?


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How fast?

We put out our weather station at lunchtime and checked it at 3 o’clock.  It hadn’t collected any rain.  The weather station showed that the wind was coming from the west and some of the gusts hit the maximum score of 40mph!!