All posts by Mrs McMillan

Tuesday 24th May

What a great afternoon!  The whole school went to a concert in the gym hall to listen to the Greenfaulds High School Junior, Senior and Trad bands.  It was wonderful.  We really enjoyed “Happy”, “Uptown Funk” and “Skyfall”.  It was really funny when Mrs McMillan dressed up and danced on stage.



Keep safe in the sun!

We learned about rio Olympic sports and put some into alphabetical order.  We also had a sun safety talk and they gave us a uv band which works like magic when the sun is strong.  We can be safer in the sun by wearing sunglasses, putting on suncream (at least factor 15), wearing a sunhat,  cover your shoulders and look for shade especially between 11-3pm.  Let’s hope we have more sunny days so we can enjoy playing in the sun safely.  We loved having our gym class outside in the lovely weather.

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Here comes the sun…

What a beautiful sunny day.  We took our language work outside to practise our phoneme words (ou, ow) with chalk in the playground.  Hopefully it won’t be raining anytime soon so you’ll be able to see our words for a few days and we will try and add some more.  We started looking at half past times and worked hard on French colours this morning with Mrs Downs.


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Friday 6th May

We were practising telling the time with o’clock today.  Mrs McMillan gave us challenges to set our analogue and digital clocks to a certain time and then we challenged each other.   We also worked on our seasons of an apple tree pictures.  They are looking really fabulous now!


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Tuesday 3rd May 2016

We wrote fabulous imaginative stories today using sequencing words, joining words and exciting words.  Of course we had to remember full stops and capital letters too!  We started to learn to tell the time using analogue and digital clocks  and even a gigantic clock!  We are concentrating on telling o’clock times.

In gym we were measuring our jumps and throwa.  We are going to see if we can get better each week.


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Tuesday 26th April 2016

This morning we listened to a poem called The Spangled Pandemonium.  We used our imaginations to draw what we thought it would look like.  After that, we wrote a description of our creature.  We had great fun and included lots of details.

For maths we were practising the order of the days of the week and the months of the year.  It’s still a bit tricky for some of us so we need lots of practice!

In the afternoon we worked on our seasons apple tree pictures and went to gym to practise throwing and jumping.  What a day!


Monday 18th April

Even after our long holiday, luckily no-one fell asleep in the class today because we wre having so much fun!  We were learning French colours with Mrs Downs.  We learned more about compass directions and had to answer some tricky questions about north, south, east and west.  We are getting better with our phonemes and were sorting words with oo, u-e, ue and ew.   The weather was dry but a bit windy so we practised our sight words with chalk outside.  We have brought our sight word list home to practise reading them if we have any spare time.

Tuesday 29th March

Today absolutely flew past – we must have been having great fun!!  As well as ICT and PE today, we used lots of the skills and knowledge we have learned so far to write, create, practise and perform a newscast and weather forecast in groups of 3 or 4.  We even filmed them.  We did very well but realised that they would have been even better if we had practised more.  Unfortunately the video files are too large to put on the blog.

Also today we learned to use some special words to describe probability or the likelihood that something will happen.  This is something we will learn more and more about as we go through the school.  Today we had to decide if events were likely, unlikely or impossible.  We had to run to the correct heading in the gym.  It was fun.


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