Homework 11.1.16 – 25.1.16

Homework from 11/1/16 until 22/1/16



We are continuing to make up the phoneme families – the sounds are the same, but the spellings are different as in ee, ea and e-e sounding like E.

Next week we will be learning the phoneme igh which sounds like I.

Homework ideas:

    • Create short rhymes using words from the E sound family: Experiment with words and sounds.

A girl called Eve can see the sea.

    • Write phoneme words in different colours and different shapes.
    • Look for the phoneme in your reading books and any other texts – comics, recipes, instructions etc. and print in the environment; signs in shops, street signs, etc.
    • Try these games to reinforce spelling/phoneme patterns


Common words:

  • Keep practising previous words and add in your new ones;

you     they     all       are     my     her

how     last     many     miss   more   now

and add in your new ones;

well     what     when   where   which   too

never   other   some     take     them   thing

two     three   four     five   six     number

  • Ask someone to test you. How many can you read confidently?
  • This is a great site for recognising sight and spelling words.



  • A new reading book will usually be given each Friday. The days for reading are Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, so please make sure that pupils have their reading books in their bags so that they can complete reading activities.
  • Look at the main events in your story. How does the story begin? What is the problem or the main event? How does the story end?
  • Use your own words to tell someone what your story is about.



In class we have been building up our number stories.

Continue to practise adding and taking away within 20

  • Try these mental maths games:



Interdisciplinary Learning

We are going to be learning about traditional Scottish food and drink.

Ask an adult to help you make a list of Scottish food and drink e.g. at New Year adults might drink whisky and people eat shortbread.

Have a look at these interesting websites to give you some ideas –



If you eat any Scottish foods, bring in the packaging to add to our class display.

Remember your New Year’s Resolutions and keep up the good work!

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