Home Learning 27.4.20

Home Learning 27.4.20

Good morning boys and girls, I hope you had a good weekend and were enjoying the lovely sunshine we have had. Here are your tasks for today.

Home Learning

Number –

Adding – Bridging


Watch these clips to remind you how to bridge across 10.


Main Task

Try these sums. Copy and complete them  in your jotter using the bridging strategy.

 Challenge – can you teach someone else how to bridge across a ten to help them with their adding?

Fun Finisher

Try playing this game – choose the adding game and then select these games;

  • up to 25
  • bonds for 20
  • three digit numbers


Can you have a go at the above game and try to find numbers that add to 100? Choose

  • bonds for 100

Literacy – Spelling

Here are this week’s spelling words.

he, she, we, me.


Use the 5 rules of spelling to help you write each of this week’s spelling words on the floor using your finger. (LOOK, SAY, COVER, WRITE, CHECK).

Main Task

Use different coloured pens or pencils and try this activity.


Fun Finisher

Play ‘Sumdog’ spelling for 10 minutes.


Can you write a short story with 2 or 3 sentences using all of this week’s spelling words?

Remember to begin each sentence with a capital and end with a full stop.










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