Home Learning 24.4.20
Maths – Non- standard Measure
Watch this video clip explaining how to measure things using different non-standard objects.
Can you find different objects around your house to measure things with? Remember each object needs to be the exact same thing and length. Here are some ideas of what to use;
Main Task
Find 5 different things around the house to measure with your non-standard measuring objects (table, shoe, favourite toy, story book, jotter etc). Record your answers by drawing and writing the measurement beside it in your jotter. Estimate or guess your answer first and then measure to see how close you were.
Fun Finisher
Watch this video about measuring with non-standard units;
Literacy – Rhymes
Can you say or sing some rhymes you already know? How about Humpty Dumpty, I’m A Little Teapot, Incy Wincy Spider, Mary Had a Little Lamb? How many can you remember? Here are some more.
Main Task
Watch and listen to this rhyming story
Read the story again yourself. Can you find all the words that rhymed?
Here are your spelling words for this week;
now, down, look, too
How many words can you find that rhyme with each one? Write a list of all the rhyming words in your jotter.
Fun Finisher
Sing along with these rhyming songs;
Can you make up some rhyming phrases? Tell them to someone else. Maybe you could add a tune and make it into a song? Why not dress up as a pop star and perform your song to your family?