Home Learning 23.4,20

Home Learning 23.4.20

Maths – Position and Movement


Watch these clips about words we use to describe the position of things;



Main Task

Look at the pictures in the grid and read the statements telling you where each object is. Draw the answer in your jotter for question 1 and write the sentence using the position words for number 2.

Fun Finisher

Sing and dance along with this clip about positional words;


Play this game on ‘ActiveLearn’ to help learn the important words to be able to position things in the right place. Remember to login using the first 4 letters of your first and second names (remember to use all small letters, no capitals).


Literacy – Writing

Setting the Scene


Watch this clip to remind you that the setting of a story is WHEN and WHERE it took place.

Main Task

You are going to write your own story beginning with a good SETTING. It could be about something you have experienced or an imaginative story you make up yourself. You could have real or imaginary characters and you can decide what happens in your story.

To describe the setting of a story we need to describe WHEN it took place. Some examples could be;
  • On a beautiful warm summers day …………….
  • One day a long, long time ago ……………………..
  • Late last night when it was time for bed ………..

The setting also describes WHERE you were and what you could SEE, HEAR and FEEL. Some examples could be;

  • …………….I went to the beach with my friends. I could see the clouds drifting by in the sky and hear the  waves lapping onto the sand. I felt so glad that we were all able to play together and we made sandcastles all day long.
  • ………….. Nigel the knight was a very brave knight (feel) who was dressed in shiny metal armour (see) that clunked and clanged every time he moved (hear).
  • …………… I lay down on my pillow to sleep. Suddenly I heard a loud thumping noise that woke me up. I sat up and saw a dark shadow on the wall. I was petrified in case it was a monster or a ghost.

Here are some pictures to help you think about WHERE your story  might be set;

Fun Finisher

Draw pictures of the characters from your story and make them into stick puppets (sellotape to spoon/sticks). Make some scenery to show WHERE your story is set and put on a show to act out the story. 







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