Home Learning 22.4.20

Home Learning 22.4.20

Number – Fact Families


Watch this clip showing how addition and subtraction numbers are related to one another, just like brothers and sisters in a family. If you know an adding answer, you will know the subtraction answer.

Main Task 

Draw these houses in your jotter. Write the 2 adding and 2 subtraction sums that belong in each family.


Fun Finisher

Dance along to this clip to help you learn about number fact families.

Play this family game.




Can you make up your own number fact family sums? Can you make some with larger numbers?

Literacy – Reading Comprehension


Below is a link to ‘Oxfordowl’ which is a free website offering great e-books for children to read themselves or with a grown up. To access this resource you need to register online. Choose one of the e-books to read, either with a grown up or on your own and talk about the characters and the events that happened.


Main Task

Read the story below of  ‘The Dream Dragon’. What do you notice about the story? Can you find the words that rhyme? 

Now answer these questions about the story. Write the date and title of the story  in your jotter and answer each question in a complete sentence. Remember to begin each answer with a capital letter and end with a full stop.

Fun Finisher

Use your imagination and make up your own story about a dream. Who will the characters be? Where will the story take place? What will happen? How will the characters feel?

Tell your story to someone in your family.





2 thoughts on “Home Learning 22.4.20”

  1. 22/4/20 Homework

    There is nothing active to do on the active learn website?

    With regards to the English homework the link takes you to The Frog Prince and not The Dream Dragon and when searching it cannot be found either?

    1. Hi Mr Semple,

      Apologies for the Activelearn games not being allocated I must have accidently forgot to press one of the buttons to administer it. They should be there now.
      The Frog Prince story was the book I had originally wanted the children to access but when I tried to allocate this on the Oxfordowl site it seemed to take me directly to the main site only so I assumed you could not choose one specific book. However it looks like you can do that and The Frog Prince is there and ready to read for pleasure.
      The Dream Dragon story is already pictured on the blog and there are comprehension questions to be answered too.

      I hope this helps.

      Mrs. Lang

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