Homework w/b 29.4.19


Homework Grid

Your child will be coming home with a Homework Grid. On the grid are some ideas to try with your child in literacy, maths, topic and French. Try to do at least ONE thing each week – if you can do more that would be great. Colour in the boxes of the things you have done and use your homework jotter to record anything.


We are learning about coins up to 20p and how to make up the same amount using different combinations (eg 9p can be 5p + 2p + 2p or 2p + 2p + 2p +2p + 1p etc.

15p can be 10p + 5p or 5p + 5p + 5p etc). Can you use real coins and make up the same amount in different ways.


‘oy’ (toys, boy. enjoy, annoy etc)


don’t, old, I’m.

Try writing a short story using each spelling word. Remember to use capitals and full stops and perhaps a few joining words too. Make sure your writing is neat as well.

Common Words

any, around, back, because.

Handwriting – tT, uU, yY.

Practise small and capitals, completing at least one row of each letter in your jotter. Please ensure the letters start at the correct position, are formed correctly and are the correct size in relation to the lines in the jotter.

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