Homework 29.5.18

Homework 29.5.18

We have learning about the concept of multiplication as repeated addition sums. Here is an example of what we have been doing.

Draw and write the statement and sums for each of these sums;

2 lots of 5       5 sets of 2      3 lots of 5

4 groups of 3    2 sets of 8    4 groups of 6

3 lots of 3      5 groups of 4   2 sets of 7


This week’s sound is ‘oy’ (boy, toys, annoy etc). Practise reading the list of ‘oy’ words highlighted in  blue at the back of your jotter. Try this game;



Choose 4 ‘oy’ words and write a sentence using each word.   


This week’s words are;

don’t, old, I’m. 

Use the 5 rules of spelling (LOOK, SAY, COVER, WRITE and CHECK).

Write each word in small and capital letters 3 times.


Practise your book every night and ask your child questions to check their understanding.

Common Reading Words

Practise reading all your words from the word wall at the back of your jotter and any words from your word wallet. Do this EVERY night.


Practise forming the letters ‘i, j, l, t, v, w, x and z’ correctly. Make sure your child starts at the right place and writes each letter the correct size (tall letters twice as big as small ones and tails below the line.) Do a row of small and a row of capital letters for each one.


This year’s theme is ‘The Greatest Showman’ and the circus. Primary 2 will be clowns.

Your child will be given a copy of the songs Primary 2 will be singing for the show. Ask your child to sing the songs to you, helping them with the words. Practise this EVERY NIGHT to ensure they know all the words off by heart.

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