Homework w/b 16.1.17



During the month of January we will be learning some Scottish poems as part of our theme on Scotland. Practise the Burns poem ‘To A Mouse’, saying it aloud and using correct pronunciation.


This week’s sound is ‘ow’ (snow, glow,window etc). Try these activities;


This week’s spelling words are; me, be, was

Try these activities –

  • try writing each word on a partner’s back.

  • write the words in the air.


    Practice your book every night. Ask and answer questions about the story to help understanding.


    We will be learning more about money up to 20p. Use real coins and see how many ways can you can make up different amounts eg. 20p – 10p, 10p

    – 10p, 5p, 5p

    – 5p,5p, 5p, 5p etc

    Try this for different amounts up to 20p.

    We will also be learning about shapes that tile.

    Try this game; http://www.mathlearningcenter.org/web-apps/pattern-shapes/

    Make a picture and print your it out if you can and stick it in your jotter.


    Our theme is Scotland and I would like the children to find out about one aspect of Scotland as part of a personal project and then present it to the class. They could research anything of interest to them (Scottish food and drink, the Loch Ness Monster, their family clan and tartan, a famous Scottish person etc). They will be given some paper and a poly pocket to keep their project in (you may wish to put it into a ring binder or folder too). They should design a front cover and have information and drawings using both computer and hand written/drawn work. The project should be returned by Monday 30th January and the children will get to present it to the class shortly after this.

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