Homework for w/b 14.11.16


This week’s sound is magic ‘i-e’. How many ‘i-e’ words can you think of? Can you find any in a book? Make a list and add to it each time you find another ‘i-e’ word. Read your list out loud every day. Try this game http://www.galacticphonics.com/longvowels/i-e/interactive/i-ematchup.htm

Complete the worksheet and stick it in your jotter.

Reading -We will be working on understanding a text by questioning (who, what, where, when, why). Talk to your child about the events in their reading books and ask them some questions. Read a favourite bedtime story and ask questions. Can your child give you a ‘who, what, where, when or why’ question? They may wish to record their answers by writing them down remembering capitals and full stops.


This week’s spelling words are;

  • then, them, with.

Use the 5 rules of spelling (Look, Say, Cover, Write, Check) and write each word 3 times in ‘waterfall’ writing egĀ 






We will be continuing to learn more about 3-D shapes (cube, cuboid, pyramid, cone, cylinder and sphere) and how shapes have ‘faces’. Go on a shape hunt around your house. Find items that are each shape. Draw each item, label it with the shape name, count the ‘faces’ on each shape and record this beside your picture.


We will be working on the theme of ‘sharing’. Encourage your child to share something with others in your family (a toy, sweets, their learning etc). Talk about ways to share things fairly. Recall times when they shared something and draw a picture or take a photograph to stick in your jotter.

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