Homework for w/b 27.9.16


This weeks sound is ‘ai’. Complete the sheet, stick it in your jotter and write as many ‘ai’ words in a list in your jotter as you can. Practise reading them out loud every night.

The spelling words we will be covering are;

dad, had, back, and.

Use the 5 rules of spelling – ‘Look, Say, Cover, Write Check’. Write each word in small and then capital letters in your jotter.

Reading – practise each night. Discuss the events and characters in your new book and try to use your reading clues to work out hard words.


This week we will be working on addition number stories of 5, 6, 7 and 8.

Use items around the house to help you (pencils, sweets, pasta etc). How many different ways can you split each number? Draw and write the sum eg. 6 + 0 = 6

5 + 1 = 6

4 + 2 = 6 etc

Practise saying the stories out loud. Get an adult to ask mental sums.


We have been learning about different food groups – energy foods (bread, rice, pasta, cereals etc), protein foods (meat, fish, eggs, nuts etc), dairy foods (milk, cheese, yogurt etc) and fruit and vegetables. Talk to your child about one of their meals. What food groups can they identify? Do they have some foods from all groups in their meals? Draw a picture of a meal they have eaten showing some foods each group.

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