Home Learning 3.6.20
Good morning Primary 2, here are your learning tasks for today.
Subtraction – Counting Backwards
Warm Up – Mental
Start at 20 and count back to 0.
Start at 20 and count back in 2’s to 0.
Start at 100 and count back to 0.
Start at 100 and count back in 10’s to 0.
Start at 100 and count back in 5’s to 0.
Main Task
Watch and sing along to this clip by counting back in 2’s, 5’s and 10’s:
Copy and complete the missing numbers by counting back in 2’s, 5’s and 10’s.
Fun Finisher
Play these games to help count back in 2’s, 5’s and 10’s. Choose ‘Sequencing’ then ‘Simple Sequencing’ and select ‘Even Numbers’.
Or choose ‘Sequencing’ then ‘Counting in Multiples’ and then ‘Multiples of Five or Ten’.
Reading – Fiction Books
Fiction stories are imaginary stories. There are lots of different types of fiction stories. Watch this clip to find out more about the different kinds:
Warm Up
At the weekend a real rocket ship named ‘Dragon’ was launched into space.
Watch the launch into space of ‘Dragon’ on the BBC Newsround site by clicking on the image:
You are now going to read a fiction book about space that I have assigned you on the Epic reading site by clicking the image below. Remember to check your mailbox if the book does not appear on the screen.
Main Task
After reading your book you are going to write a book review. Think about where the story took place (setting) and who were the main characters.
Then think about what the main thing that happened was at the beginning (first), middle, (next) and the end (last) of the story.
Draw some pictures showing who was in the story, where they were and what happened too.
Fun Finisher
Listen and read along with a real astronaut as she reads the story ‘If I Were An Astronaut’ on board the International Space station.
Mrs Lang, we don’t seem to be able to access the reading book Back to Earth with a bump. Twinkl is asking us to log in.
I can’t remember if you have already given us log in details for this website.
Regards, Lynsey.
Hi, I have access to this site but it is probably not letting me share it with someone else. I will try to put up an alternative book or clip. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Hi, I have put up a different book called ‘If I Were An Astronaut’ read by a real astronaut from the International Space Station. Hope you enjoy it.
Thank you. Nathan enjoyed the book.