Home Learning 2.6.20
Good morning boys and girls, I hope you are enjoying our lovely summer weather but be careful to protect yourself with sunscreen and a hat. Here are your learning tasks for today.
Number – Multiplication
Multiplication is just adding the same number repeatedly. Look at this poster that explains this:
Warm Up
Watch this clip to see how the multiplication sign is used instead of adding the same number again and again:
Main Task
Draw these groups or sets of objects in your jotter and write the number you added repeatedly under each picture with the answer beside it.
Now write the multiplication sum too. Well done now you can multiply!
Fun Finisher
Play this game to help you make repeated adding sums into multiplication sums:
Sounds – ‘ph’
The sound ‘f’ can be written as ‘ph’.
Watch these clips about the ‘ph’ sound:
Main Task
Read this story about best friends Frankie and Fred. Ask a grown up to help you with some of the tricky words if you need to. Can you spot all the ‘ph’ words? Can you find lots of last week’s ‘ff’ words too?
Divide a page in your jotter into two columns. Write all the ‘ph’ words in one column and the ‘ff’ words in the other. Read all your words aloud to a grown up.
Time yourself reading the ‘ph’ words aloud. Can you get quicker each time? Record your fastest time in your jotter beside your list of words.
Fun Finisher
Sing along with Jack Hartman with the ‘ph’ song.
Play this ‘ph’ game by clicking the ‘ph’ sound: