Home Learning 12.5.20
Good morning boys and girls, I hope you have all had a good weekend and are ready for some learning.
There is a great free reading site called ‘Epic Reading’ which allows you access to lots of fabulous books. When you are logged in, find your name and you’re ready to read – have fun!
Here is the address and class code;
Class Code: htv7372
Here are your tasks learning for today.
Maths – Information Handling
Warm Up
We can find out lots of information from pictures, charts and graphs.
Watch this clip all about finding , using and creating information in a graph.
Main Task
Here is a graph showing information on how children travel to school. At the bottom it tells you how they travelled to school (walk, car, bus, bicycle and train). Each figure drawn means 1 person.
Can you find out some information by looking at the graph?
Here are some questions about the graph. Write your answers in your jotter.
Fun Finisher
Play these games about graphs;
Spelling/ Common Words/Handwriting
Here are this week’s spelling words.
all, are, my, her.
Use the 5 rules of spelling to help you write each of this week’s spelling words in the air. (LOOK, SAY, COVER, WRITE, CHECK).
Main Task – Spelling
Write each of your spelling words ACROSS and DOWN three times each like this;
Common Words/Handwriting
Here are your common reading words. Find the ones your group were working on. Practise reading them aloud. How fluent are you?
Choose 5 common words and write them in your neatest handwriting.
Fun Finisher
Play Sumdog spelling for 10 minutes.
Can you write a sentence using all your spelling words?
(all, are, my, her).