Home Learning 7.5.20

Home Learning 7.5.20

Maths – 3-D Shape

Shapes have different parts. This picture shows what they are;

The FACE of a shape is the name of the flat surface.

The VERTICES is another name for the  CORNERS.

The EDGE of a shape is a line that joins two corners together. 

Warm Up

Watch these clips about the faces, edges and corners of 3-D shapes;




Main Task

Here is a photograph of some real 3-D shapes you might see around you in the real world. Can you identify the name of each 3-D shape?

Try answering these questions in your jotter.

Fun Finisher

Try playing these shape games;



Go on a shape hunt  around your house. Can you find things that are the same as these shapes?

Were there any shapes you couldn’t find?

Literacy – Writing Instructions

Warm Up

We are going to learn all about how important it is to wash your hands so that you get rid of any germs or viruses. Watch this clip;

Here are all the important steps in washing your hands properly;

Now go and try washing your hands yourself. Can you remember all the steps?

Main Task

You are going to write the instructions on how to wash your hands.

Watch this clip about all the things you need to include when you write instructions;


Imagine you have to teach an alien (or a robot) how to wash their hands because they have never done it before.

Write the instructions on how to wash your hands. Remember to begin each instruction with a doing word and try to include some joining words (and, then, because etc).

Remember to include all these important points.

Another way of describing  ‘Bossy Verbs’ are DOING WORDS (Turn, Put, Get, Wash, Rub, Rinse etc).

Here is an example of how to write the instructions on how to turn a child into a frog.

Fun Finisher

Try this experiment at home showing how soap prevents germs or viruses from staying  on our hands;

Sing a long with these songs;

Listen and read this story about washing hands;



Can you teach someone in your family how to wash their hands properly? Make sure you explain all the steps and not miss any out.





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