Home Learning 4.5.20

Home Learning 4.5.20

Number – Adding 3 Numbers

Warm Up

Remember – you can add numbers in any order.

You could look for easy numbers to add together first, like numbers that add to 10, then add the last number.

Or look for doubles and near doubles to help you add.

Or start with the largest number and add on the smaller numbers.

Watch this video clip telling how the order you add in doesn’t matter – you always get the same answer!


Main Task

Try adding these 3 number sums in your jotter;

Fun Finisher

Can you add each column or row with  3 numbers in the grids below? Draw each grid in your jotter and write your answers in a cloud beside it.

REMEMBER – you can add numbers in ANY order. Just look for an easy way for you.

Play this  game to help you add three numbers together.


Choose Level 2, Addition, Three One-digit numbers.

Select the ‘Manual’ button and you can work at your own speed or why not be timed to see how quickly you can work out the answer?

Write down the answers only and check to see if you are correct by clicking ‘Finish’.

Try this game too;



Can you make your own 3 number addition grid and get someone else in your family to solve it?

You would need to be the teacher and mark their work. Maybe you could traffic light it too.

Literacy – Spelling

Warm Up

Here are this week’s spelling words.

be, was, you, they

Warm Up

Use the 5 rules of spelling to help you write each of this week’s spelling words on the someone else’s back. 

Then swap over and they write each word on your back. Give each other feedback so you know if you got it right.

Main Task

Now try this spelling task;

Write each of your spelling words in a silly sentence eg. (Remember capitals and full stops!)

It was a rainy day so I sunbathed in the garden.

Fun Finisher

Play Sumdog spelling for 10 minutes.








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