Home Learning 2.4.20

Home Learning – 2.4.20


Count up in 2’s, 5’s and 10’s. How far can you go?

Main Activity

Here is a picture of groups, sets or lots of objects in a pattern called an ‘array’ pattern.

It shows 2 groups of 3 which makes 6 

This picture shows 3 groups of 2 which makes 6 also.

Watch this clip about ‘array’ patterns.

Can you draw and write about some array patterns of your own.


Fun Finisher

Can you use objects around the house (toys, coins, sweets etc) to make into groups/sets. Add them all up to find how many there are altogether.

Literacy – Reading


Choose a your own favourite storybook to read or read and listen to a story from this site


How many different characters can you remember from the story?

Main Activity

Choose one of the characters from the story. Describe what they look like (height, hair colour, clothes, facial expression) and what kind of character they are (helpful, greedy, shy etc) to someone.

Draw your character and label your drawing with some words to describe them.

Fun Finisher

Play the game ‘Who Am I’ with someone in your family to guess a character you are thinking about from the story.

  • Choose a character (don’t tell anyone who it is).
  • The adult asks a ‘yes’ or ‘no’ question (is it a person or animal, is it male or female, does he/she have dark hair etc).
  • Swap places and the adult picks a character and you ask yes/no questions.

Home Learning 1.4.20

Home Learning – 1.4.20

Number – Subtraction


Try playing this game. Choose Level 1 ‘subtraction’ and pick any of the games. Move on to Level 2 if you want.


Main Activity

Copy and complete these subtraction sums.

15 – 3 =

19 – 10 =

17 – 3 =

18 – 3 =

12 – 4 =

26 – 4 =

28 – 2 =

25 – 4 =

29 – 9 =

27 – 5 =

Fun Finisher

You are going to be the teacher. Show someone in your family how to do take away sums. Make up some take away sums for them to do. Mark their work and give them a star or happy face if they are correct.


Write down some strategies or clues that help you when you do take away sums.

Literacy – Reading


Click on this link to read information about animals in the spring.


Main Activity

Choose one of the animals to make an information leaflet about. Read the information passage again. Make some notes on the most important bits of information. Check you are spelling the difficult words correctly by looking back at the written information.

Fun Finisher

Make an information leaflet like the one we did about ‘Making Chocolate’. Remember to

  • Write a title
  • Use your notes to write sentences telling facts about your animal/plant.
  • Not use I/we.
  • Draw and label some diagrams for more details.