Home Learning 29.4.20

Home Learning 29.4.20


Subtraction – Bridging

Warm Up

Bridging can help us to subtract numbers. Look at this picture.

13 – 5 

For 13 – 5, we need to count back to the 10 first (take away 3) and then take away the rest of the number (2). Work it out like this;

First do   13 – 3 = 10
then do    10 – 2 = 8
so                13 – 5 = 8

Mental Maths

Try these mental maths subtraction sums;

13 – 5 = ?          15 – 6 = ?          14 – 8 = ?

17 – 9 = ?          12 – 7 = ?          16 – 8 = ?

11 – 7 = ?          18 – 9 = ?          13 – 8 = ?

14 – 7 = ?          12 – 9 = ?          15 – 9 = ?

Main Task

Copy and complete these subtraction sums in your jotter.

Fun Finisher

Watch this clip about subtraction.

Play this subtraction game.

Now try this Activelearn game.

Reading – Famous Authors

Warm Up

One of the best loved authors of children’s books is Julia Donaldson.  Watch this clip of a live presentation where she reads some of her most popular books.

Here’s a link to the clip Scottish Book Trust

Main Task

Find out as many facts as you can about Julia Donaldson by researching all about her online, or using this Oxfordowl link and reading the book ‘Julia Donaldson A Biography’.

Remember you need to sign up to the Oxfordowl site which is free to join.

Make a poster  with some of the facts about her life and the books she has written. How many facts can you write about? Illustrate your poster with pictures.

Fun Finisher

Here are some of Julia Donaldson’s  books for you to read;


Can you find any more Julia Donaldson books online or do you  have any of your own? Why not read some together with a grown up?











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