Homework w/b 1.10.19

Since  this week is STEM week we will be consolidating our Learning in sounds, common words and spelling.


Practise reading your book each night. Talk about the main things that happened at the beginning, middle and end of the story.


Practise these words each night using your finger to write on a partners back.

Group 1 – down, look, too.

Group 2 – get, big, him, his.

COMMON WORDS – read these words aloud from your word wall or list.

Group 1 – don’t, each, eat, every.

Group 2 – only, are, dad, not   PLUS common words from the word wallets.


Group 1 –  revise all the sounds from your booklet by reading them  aloud from the sound booklet.

Group 2 – Continue to blend the 2 letter blends from your sound sheet and time your child. Can they get quicker each night? The target time for all the blends is 30 seconds.


Write all the numbers to 100 correctly (you can use your number square if you want to.

Practise counting aloud up and down in 2’s. Use your number square to begin with and then try it without looking. Start at 0 – how far can you count?

Start at 1 and count in 2’s up to 20. Use your number square to begin with and then try it without. Now try counting down starting from 19. Can you do it without looking at your number square?

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