Homework w/b 23.9.19


Practise reading your book each night. Talk about the main things that happened at the beginning, middle and end of the story.


Practise these words 3 times in choo-choo writing. Use coloured pencils to write if you have them.

Group 1 – down, look, too.

Group 2 – get, big, him, his.

COMMON WORDS – read these words aloud from your word wall or list.

Group 1 – don’t, each, eat, every.

Group 2 – only, are, dad, not   PLUS common words from the word wallets.


Group 1 –  revise all the sounds from your booklet by reading them  aloud from the sound booklet.

Group 2 – Continue to blend the 2 letter blends from your sound sheet and time your child. Can they get quicker each night? The target time for all the blends is 30 seconds.


We are working on counting in tens and adding on single numbers. Try drawing groups of 10 and write the number beside it. Practise counting up and down in tens too. Try drawing groups of 10 and add on single numbers too. Write the number beside your drawing. Here are some examples of what we will be covering –

Continue to work on Sumdog to improve your maths skills.


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