Homework w/b 28.5.19


‘au’ (Paul, applaud, because etc). Please read aloud the ‘au’ words EVERY night from the booklet containing the sounds we have been learning this term. Your child has this in their reading folder.


about, your, day.

Can write the words in small and capital letters using the 5 rules of spelling?

Common Words

children, city, close, colour.

Can you spot any common words in a book, comic or magazine?


Please talk to your child about what is happening in the story using the pictures and text. Discuss any difficult vocabulary and what it means. Ask questions like –  What do you think will happen next? Why did the character do/say that? How did they feel? Why? What happened at the beginning/middle/end of the story? Can you tell me the story again yourself?

Sumdog – Remember to do the literacy section of this on-line resource as well as the maths section.

Handwriting – mM, nN, pP, rR.

Practise small and capitals, completing at least one row of each letter in your jotter. Please ensure the letters start at the correct position, are formed correctly and are the correct size in relation to the lines in the jotter.


Try putting out different coins (no more than £1) and ask the children to count how much is there. Always start with the biggest value coin first. When confident introduce £’s as well as the silver and copper coins.


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