Sounds – ‘ow’ (growl, crown, flower)
Spelling – now, down, all.
Common Words – will, wish, year, yellow.
Handwriting – Qq, Ff, Ss.
Practise small and capitals, completing at least one row of each letter in your jotter. Please ensure the letters start at the correct position, are formed correctly and are the correct size in relation to the lines in the jotter.
We are learning about traditional tales and fairytales as part of our literacy work.
The book we are reading this week is ‘The Enormous Turnip’. Read the story together (either from a book or on-line) and discuss the events. Focus on the repetition and how the same phrases are repeated throughout the story.
Make up a similar story together orally, changing the characters and things they do repeatedly. We will be writing a story like this in class so this will allow the children to bring good ideas to share with the others.