w/b 22.10.18


Practise your reading book every night. Talk about the characters and events. Do one of the reading challenges on your sheet.


This week’s sound is ‘ay’. Use your ‘ay’ words from your sound booklet to practise sounding, blending and reading the words fluently and quickly. Can you find more ‘ay’ words from a book?


This week’s blend is ‘u’. Use your blend lists to sound and blend the letters together.

Common Words

This week’s common words are highlighted in yellow. Why not make up sentences with each word and tell them to someone or write them in a sentence.


We have been working on splitting numbers into tens and units. Try these games. Choose the first games in the first three rows.


Try this game too.


Keep working on Sumdog too.



Today we were in the Learning Zone using the new construction, the Vets Surgery, the small world zoo and creating a beautiful collage tree.

We were finishing our Steven Brown art work today. Don’t they look great.


12.10.18 STEM Activities

We had a very busy day doing lots of different science, technology, engineering and maths activities.

We were building a house made of straw, sticks or bricks for the 3 little pigs that would not blow down. We tested some to see if they were strong enough.

We used the I-pads and computers too.

We were testing spaghetti to see how strong it was and building our own models using different materials.

We even did an experiment to see which materials were magnetic.


Today we learned about a Scottish artist called Steven Brown. He paints a lot of scenes and animals and uses a lot of colour in his artwork.

We started to recreate one of his paintings called ‘Caledonian Forrest’. We painted the background using thick brushes and thin watery paint. Tomorrow we will add the grass and after that the forrest trees.

Congratulations to a proud boy for winning a medal for being the best at his football training session.

Homework w/b 8.10.18


Practise your reading book every night. Talk about the characters and events. Do one of the reading challenges on your sheet.


This week’s sound is ‘ck’. Use your ‘ck’ list to practise sounding, blending and reading the words fluently and quickly. Can you find more ‘ck’ words from a book?


This week’s blend is ‘o’. Use your blend lists to sound and blend the letters together.

Common Words

This week’s common words are highlighted in green. Why not make up sentences with each word and tell them to someone or write them in a sentence.

Number work

We have been counting up and down in tens to 100. 

We have also been splitting numbers into tens and units. We know 16 has 1 ten and 6 units.

Keep playing ‘Sumdog’ to get better at your numberwork.

1.10.18 Homework/Photos

Reading – please practice reading your book each night and talk about what is happening. Ask your child to find certain words on the page and discuss their meaning. Can they spot any words with the sounds we have been learning so far (sh, ch, th, ee)?

Sounds – This week’s sound is ‘oo’. Practice sounding and blending the words from your booklet every night until you are fluent. Can you find words with the ‘oo’ sound in a story book or your reading book?

Blending – this week’s blend is ‘e’ (be, ce, fe etc). Practise reading the blends out loud in your blending strip to become fluent.

Common  Words – this week’s words are highlighted in blue. Practise them each night. If you have a separate wallet with words cut up use these to help. Do them every night.

Sumdog – This is a maths site to help your child with their number work. It can be used as often as they wish and is a great way to improve their mental maths skills. Log-in details and passwords have been given to each child. Keep this safe in your homework folder as you will not be able to access the site without the passwords. Try to memorise it too.

Remember tomorrow (2nd October) is photograph day.