
We have been learning to sequence the story we are reading using our reading books.  The sentences were mixed up and we had to sort them in the right order by cutting and sticking them into our jotters. Why not try this at home using your homework reading book?

Homework w/b 30.1.18


This week’s sound is ‘ea’ (tea, beach, clean etc). Practise reading the ‘ea’ words at the back of your homework jotter.

Complete the ‘ea’ worksheet and stick it in your jotter.


This week’s words are; are, my, her.

Practise writing them on a partner’s back. Remember to write on each other’s backs. Write them in your jotter in rainbow writing using the 5 rules of spelling.

Common Reading Words

Practise reading all the common words from your word wallet or the word wall highlighted in pink at the back of your jotter. Practise them every night.


We will continue to learn about summarising the beginning, middle and end of a story. Give a statement from the book and ask your child if it happened at the BEGINNING, MIDDLE or END of the story. Get them to find the exact page that proves they are correct. Ask your child questions about the story to check their understanding too.


We have been learning about magic ‘10’ and how it is very special. Complete the maths worksheet and stick it in your jotter.

Primary 2 Assembly

We will be presenting our class assembly about ‘Pancake Day’ to the whole school on Friday 9th February. Please practise the poem and song as well as any speaking parts your child may be given. Make sure they speak in a loud, slow, clear voice and they are confident with the words written on the page. Here is the song and poem;




This week’s sound is magic ‘a-e’ (name, tape, sale etc). Practise reading the ‘a-e’ words at the back of your homework jotter.

Complete the ‘a-e’ worksheet and stick it in your jotter.

Try these games;




We will continue to practise these words – all, you, they.

Write a sentence using each word. Remember a capital at the beginning and a full stop at the end. Underline the spelling word too.

Common Reading Words

Practise reading all the common words from your word wallet or the word wall highlighted in green at the back of your jotter. Practise them every night.


We will be learning about summarising the beginning, middle and end of a story. Give a statement from the book and ask your child if it happened at the BEGINNING, MIDDLE or END of the story. Get them to find the exact page that proves they are correct. Ask your child questions about the story to check their understanding too.


We will be learning to split the numbers 9 and 10. How many different ways can you do it? Remember when you find one way, swap the numbers for another way eg. 8 + 1 = 9

                                                                                        1 + 8 = 9

You should find 10 sums when you split 9 and 11 sums when you split 10.

Ask your child sums orally. Can they get the answer quickly? Practise every night to get quicker.

Personal Project – Talking and Listening

Hopefully the children will be well on their way to finding out about one aspect of Scotland as part of their personal project. Remember they will get to present it to the class so they should be very familiar with the facts they have written about. They could research anything of interest to them (Scottish food and drink, the Loch Ness Monster, their family clan and tartan, a famous Scottish person or place etc).  They have been given some paper and a poly pocket to keep their project in (you may wish to put it into a ring binder or folder too).  They should design a front cover and have information and drawings using both computer and hand written/drawn work.  The project should be returned by Monday 29th January. Look back at the homework for 9th January to get some examples of the type of work that could be done.

Homework w/b 16.1.18


This week’s sound is ‘ay’ (day, away, stay etc). Practise reading the ‘ay’ words at the back of your homework jotter.

Make up a story with as many ‘ay’ words as you can. Underline all the ‘ay’ words.

Try these games; http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/wordsandpictures/longvow/poems/flash/fpoem5.shtml



This week’s words are- all, you, they.

Use the 5 rules of spelling (LOOK, SAY, COVER, WRITE and CHECK) and write each word 3 times in small and capital letters. Can you find these words in a story?

Common Reading Words

Practise the reading words in your word wallet every night.


Read your book EVERY night. Ask your child questions about the story to check understanding and ask them to find the answer from the book to make sure they are right.


Practise the letters m, n, h in small letters and also in capitals (M, N, H).  Ensure your child starts at the correct position, forms the letters correctly and they Continue reading Homework w/b 16.1.18

Homework w/b 9.1.18


This week’s sound is ‘ai’ (rain, tail, stair etc). Practise reading the ‘ai’ words at the back of your homework jotter.

Complete the ‘ai’ worksheet and stick it in your jotter.

Try these games; http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/wordsandpictures/longvow/poems/flash/fpoem2.shtml



This week’s words are- me, be, was.

Use the 5 rules of spelling (LOOK, SAY, COVER, WRITE and CHECK) and write each word 3 times in rainbow writing. Can you find these words in a story?


Read your book EVERY night. Ask your child questions about the story to check understanding and ask them to find the answer from the book to make sure they are right.


We are learning to take away or subtract numbers from 6, 7 and 8. Use toys, sweets or other small objects to help. Make up sums in your jotter like these examples –

6 – 3 = ? 7 – 0 =? 8 – 5 = ?

6 – 5 = ? 7 – 4 = ? 8 – 7 = ? etc

Try this game; https://www.topmarks.co.uk/Flash.aspx?f=TakeAway

Personal Project – Talking and Listening

This term I would like the children to find out about one aspect of Scotland as part of a personal project and then present it to the class.  They could research anything of interest to them (Scottish food and drink, the Loch Ness Monster, their family clan and tartan, a famous Scottish person or place etc).  They will be given some paper and a poly pocket to keep their project in (you may wish to put it into a ring binder or folder too).  They should design a front cover and have information and drawings using both computer and hand written/drawn work.  The project should be returned by Monday 29th January and the children will get to present it to the class shortly after this. Here are some examples of the type of work they could do;