This week’s sound Is ‘kn’ (knee, knock etc).
Here are some activities to try;
- read your list of words and time yourself – are you getting better and quicker each time?
- use 2 coloured pencils. Write the ‘kn’ sound in one colour and the rest of the word in another colour.
This week’s words are – this, that, then, them.
- write the words in rainbow writing.
- write a sentence using each word and underline the spelling word.
Practise your book each night and talk about what’s happening in the story.
- practise numbers up to 99 writing them in tens and units eg
25=2 tens and 5 units.
4 tens and 6 units = 46.
67 = 60 + 7
80 + 6 = 86
School Show Songs
This year we are singing Billy Rae Cyrus ‘Achy Breaky Heart’ and Steps ‘5,6,7,8’. Google the words and video. Practise singing the words and any dance steps we practise in class.