Homework 20.3.17


We will be learning about alphabetical order. Can you write the names of the people in your family in alphabetical order? Write other words in alphabetical order? (toys, sweets, items around the house etc).


This week’s sound is ‘oy’ (boy, royal etc). Practice reading your sound list out loud every night recording your best time. Can you beat your best time every night?

Write a sentence with some of the ‘oy’ words. Remember capitals at the beginning, people’s names and the word ‘I’.

Try these games;




This week’s words are – about, your, day.

Practice each word in capitals and small letters. (3 times each).


We will be reading non-fiction books over the next few weeks. Discuss the contents page, glossary and index (if the book has these pages). Talk about the vocabulary used and what it means.

Choose your favourite piece of information and write about it, drawing a labelled diagram to match.


We will continue to work on ‘time’ and ½ past the hour in analogue and digital times.

Complete the worksheet on o’clock and half past and stick it in your jotter.

Homework Jotters – could the green group bring in their homework jotters on Friday so the teacher can look at them.  Thank you.

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