In the afternoon we worked more on our fraction work. We halved pancakes and chose our favourite Fairtrade topping to put on it. Then we enjoyed eating our half pancake.
Monthly Archives: February 2017
We were using lots of skills today in the Learning Zone to find out more about the jungle and rainforest. We got to make patterned snakes, rainforest animals, be explorers and animals in the jungle, programme the bee-bot to go on a jungle safari, make a jungle story book and make an instrument called a rainmaker. We had lots of fun!
Homework 27.2.17
This week’s sound is ‘ph’. Here are some activities to do as homework.
Try playing this game;
Practise reading the list of ‘ph’ words every night and time yourself. Stick the sheet in your jotter.
The spelling words for this week are;
children, just, help.
Use the 5 rules of spelling (Look, Say, Cover, Write, Check) and write each word three times and use them in a sentence.
Practise your reading every night talking about the characters and events that are happening.
We will be working on fractions and the half. We will be looking at where numbers with halves in them are on a number line. Draw a simple number line with numbers 0 – 10. Put in where the half lies (between the 0 and 1). Now add in where 1½ is, 2½, 3½ etc.
Draw pictures showing whole and half numbers eg 2 cakes and another ½ cake. Label your picture with the fraction that matches (2½ cakes). How many fraction pictures can you make?
This fortnight is ‘Fairtrade Fortnight’. The school will be running a fairtrade tuckshop so you can bring in money to buy your playpiece.
Weather permitting, Primary 2 will go on a field trip to buy some fairtrade products on Tuesday 28th February.
Please ensure your child is dressed for the weather with a coat with a hood, gloves, hat, scarf etc.
Next time you go shopping see if you can spot any fairtrade products. Tell an adult what you know about fairtrade farmers and how we can support them in getting a fair price for their foods. Draw the journey a fairtrade banana makes from the farm to the supermarket. Label your diagrams.
Homework w/b 20.2.17
This week’s sound is ‘ff’ (huff, cliff, off etc). Try these activities;
draw ‘ff’ pictures and write the word below it.
Read the list of ‘ff’ words each night to become fluent.
Try these games;
This week’s spelling words are; went, It’s, from.
Try these activities –
try writing each word on a partner’s back.
write the words in the air.
Write the words in waterfall writing eg w
We will be learning about sequencing the events in a story to help us understand what is happening. Write and draw 3 or 4 of the main things that happened in the story in the correct order. Read your story to an adult.
Practice your book every night. Ask and answer questions about the story to help understanding.
We will be learning about what a fraction is and halves. Help in the kitchen to prepare a snack eg make a sandwich, half it and give half to someone and half to you. Half a cake or chocolate bar – you get a half and someone else gets a half. Make sure both halves are equal. Draw a picture of what you halved and label both halves in your jotter.
We will continue to work on number families. Make trio fact sums for 8, 9, 10 and 11. How many facts can you find?
6+4 = 10
4+6 = 10
10-4 = 6
10-6 = 4