Homework w/b 5.12.16


We are learning about when to use capitals and full stops to punctuate sentences.

Try these games;




This week’s sound is magic ‘o-e’ (home, stole). Practise reading your sound list out loud every night recording your best time. Can you beat your best time every night?

Write a sentence with some of the words. Remember capitals at the beginning, people’s names and the word ‘I’.


This week’s words are – down, look, too.

Practise each word in capitals and small letters (3 times each).


Practise your reading every night talking about the characters and events that are happening. How many sentences are on each page? Count them. Which page has the most sentences?


We will be looking at coins and money. Go to the shop and buy something costing 2p, 5p and 10p. Can you give the correct amount?

Try these games;

http://www.funtosave.org/Teachers/minigame.aspx?gameName=MiniGame_Matching game;


Could the red reading group bring in their homework jotters this Friday (9th December) to be looked at.

Remember your costume for the Nativity has to be brought in by this Friday too!

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