
Today we were in the I.C.T room using the computersimage to practise our ‘ay’ sounds.

image image image imageWe learned more about our bodies in the learning zone today.  We made plasticine organs, placed the organs in the correct part of the body and used the doctors surgery to role play patients, nurses and doctors.

Homework for w/b 3.10.16


This week’s sound is ‘ay’. How many ‘ay’ words can you think of? Can you find any in a book? Make a list and add to it each time you find another ‘ay’ word. Read your list out loud every day and choose some ‘ay’ words to write a sentence with. Try this game http://www.phonicsplay.co.uk/PicnicOnPluto.html

Reading -We will be working on summarising a text and focusing on what happens at the beginning, middle and end of the story. Talk to your child about the events in their reading book, picking out the main parts. Read a favourite bedtime story. Discuss what happens at the beginning, middle and end and draw a picture of each part.


This week’s words are ‘get, big, him, his’

Use the 5 rules of spelling (Look, Say, Cover, Write, Check) and write your words in rainbow colours.


We will be working on the adding stories of 7, 8, 9 and 10. Use items around the house to help you (pencils, sweets, pasta etc). How many different ways can you split each number? Draw and write the sum eg.   9 + 0 = 9

8 + 1 = 9

7 + 2 = 9 etc

Practise saying the stories out loud. Get an adult to ask mental sums.

Complete the worksheet and stick it in your jotter.


We will be finding out what happens to the food that we eat and how it passes through our digestive system. Keep a food diary for a week and talk about the healthy foods you are eating and whether you are eating a balanced and healthy diet. Stick the food diary in your jotter.