Homework 24.10.16


The sound for this week is ‘ea’.  Try these activities;

  • find as many ‘ea’ words in books or comics and make a list.
  • time yourself reading the list – can you get quicker each time?
  • write a simple sentence with a few of the words – remember a capital and full stop.


The spelling words are;

but, put,  I,  to.

  • try writing each word on a partner’s back.
  • write the word in the air.


Practice your book every night.  Talk about what happened at the beginning, middle and end.  Write a sentence for each part.


We will be continuing to work on addition number stories for 8, 9 and 10 .  Try these activities;

  • complete the worksheet and stick it in your jotter.
  • ask and answer oral questions eg what is 5 + 3 ?  Can you find the twin fact?  One person can be the pupil answering and one the teacher asking (the teacher has to check the answer is correct!)


P1-3 have their Hallowe’en activities on Thursday 27th October from 5.15pm – 6.15pm.  Can you design, draw and label your Hallowe’en costume?

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