Homework for w/b 5.9.16


We will be working on looking for clues to help your child read difficult words. Some of the strategies will be

  • sound the word out

  • look for a word hiding in a bigger word

  • look for a phoneme (sound) you know eg. sh, ch, th etc

See if your child can find any of these clues while they are reading their reading book and ask them to explain it to you

This week’s sounds will be ‘th’ and ‘ck’. The worksheet should be completed and stuck into their jotter if possible.


We will be working on sequences of numbers up to 20 and beyond. Give your child a number eg 10. Can they continue the sequence and give the next 3 numbers? (11, 12, 13). Can they give you the 3 numbers before (9, 8, 7) counting down? Do lots of examples. If confident extend the numbers higher.


We will be working on our fitness and encouraging the children to lead a healthier lifestyle by doing regular exercise every day. Play outdoor games, go a bike ride, go swimming etc. Take some pictures of the activities you are doing and bring them in to share with the class.

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