Homework w/b 29.8.16

Welcome back after the summer break. Homework will be set once a week and completed either in the jotter, on a worksheet or practically. Jotters should be returned to school at various points throughout the year for the teacher to see and you will be advised when that will be nearer the time. Please ensure homework jotters are looked after as they are a record of your child’s learning. Here is the homework for this week.


Practice the book your child comes home with each night if possible.  Spend time discussing the pictures before reading together.  Ask questions eg. What is happening?  How do you know? How is the character feeling?  Why?  What do you think will happen next?  etc.  The adult can read the text first with your child following, then try and read together and finally ask your child to read on their own giving support and guidance if needed.

Please ensure your child brings their book to school every day and keep it in the poly pocket provided.


The school has acquired a bee hive to help the environment and the children have been asked to think up a name for the queen bee.  They have also to draw a picture of their bee and write its name beside it.  Your child should write their name and class on the entry form.  If possible could the entries be returned to school by Wednesday of this week (31st August) so the entries can be judged and a winner chosen.