A good day!

In the morning we did our reading work. We were learning how to describe characters out of our books. We needed to write about the character we picked- like the colour of the hair and trousers. After that we had break then we did our Maths work. We were learning to half a number and to do mental maths, so that we can get better.


In P.E. we were practising jumping, jogging and sitting down throwing. Jumping got better because we put more swing into our jumps.image image

This information was given by Miley, Jessica T and Taylor D. Thank you for helping with today’s blog.

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These photos show which “land of learning” we journeyed to today when we thought about our mental maths tasks.

Tuesday 26th April 2016

This morning we listened to a poem called The Spangled Pandemonium.  We used our imaginations to draw what we thought it would look like.  After that, we wrote a description of our creature.  We had great fun and included lots of details.

For maths we were practising the order of the days of the week and the months of the year.  It’s still a bit tricky for some of us so we need lots of practice!

In the afternoon we worked on our seasons apple tree pictures and went to gym to practise throwing and jumping.  What a day!


Homework 25/4/16 – 6/5/16

Homework from 25/4/16 until 6/5/16


French  Continue to practise saying the numbers up to 20:


un       deux       trois    quatre    cinq      six        sept       huit         neuf       dix

onze   douze     treize   quatorze     quinze     seize   dix-sept     dix-huit   dix-neuf     vingt


This week we will be continuing to learn the phonemes which make the U sound in words and will be learning the ew phoneme as in grew and new.

For the second week, we will learn the ue phoneme as in glue and blue.

Why not try to make sentences with as many words as you can?

Challenge – in your jotter, write sentences using your phoneme and spelling words.

Homework ideas for interactive games:


Common words:

Keep practising the words you have been learning to read and write sentences using them.

  • Can you find any of these words in your reading book?

each     find         men         room         soon        these

bring     keep       know      there     their        every

time     took        under       school         wish          life 

         father   mother     Mr         Mrs       week     year

  • Take the sight word challenge. How many words can you read confidently?


A new reading book will now usually be given each Wednesday. The days for reading are Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, so please make sure that pupils have their reading books in their bags so that they can complete reading activities.

  • Try clapping out the syllables of words in your reading book.
  • Challenge – which words have the least and which words have the most syllables?


We are continuing to learn about measurement and have explored using different containers to measure capacity.

More/less cup – You will need to work over the sink. Your child chooses a cup and finds three containers that hold more and three that hold less than the cup. Draw pictures of your findings.


Mental maths

Continue to practise mental maths skills by using this site and use different games to develop skills


Maths – Time

This term we will be learning about different aspects of time – we will start by talking about days, months and seasons.

Collecting dates- Find out some key dates from your family and friends, e.g. Mum’s birthday is 5th March; we go on holiday on 10th July. Bring a few dates into school and we will create a group or class calendar of events.

Time devices at home – Find and record places that you see the time devices at home, e.g. alarm clock, cooker timer. Draw, write or take photos of these devices and in class we will discuss what they are used for.

Interdisciplinary Learning

There will be different ideas for each homework blog.

To link in with the Olympics to be held in Rio de Janeiro in Brazil, why not…….

  • Design a new Olympic flag?
  • Create a new Olympic mascot?

You could draw, write instructions, make a model or talk about an idea – the choice is yours!

What is the area?

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We took part in some outdoor learning this afternoon. We joined Primary 7 for a walk around the area to look for some Beat the Street boxes. We thought about all the learning that took place: exercise, fresh air, enjoying talking about the environment, working with others, thinking about mapping skills, participating in a national initiative and getting vitamin D!

This is morning we started to learn about area. We tried to measure the area of a hotter using different 2d shapes but everyone got a different answer. So some pupils suggested we should use things that were the same shape and size to measure the area. We experimented using counters and unilink and in the end we used squared paper to draw shapes of different areas. Why don’t you experiment at home?

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Fun in the sun!

Taking advantage of the lovely weather, we started to learn about our athletic skills development by going out onto the pitch. We were throwing the foam javelin, throwing beanbags into hoops and running with batons (quoits).

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It was great to work together in teams and help one another.

To celebrate the Queen’s 90th Birthday, we wrote some information using a pen! We had to concentrate really hard and you could hear a pin drop in the classroom. We are all really keen to get our pen licence, so tried really hard to form our letters correctly.image

It was also a day for thinking about our targets for this term and we are getting very good at saying what we need to work on ourselves.

Keep up the great work Primary 2!!

Sunny days!

When the weather is good it gives us chance to work outside which is great, especially for capacity work. Today we were comparing how much water different containers can hold and we used a yoghurt pot of water to fill them. We learnt that we have to make sure that the yoghurt pot is FULL each time otherwise we do not get the true number.

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Have a go at home to find a container with a small capacity and one with a large capacity. Use the same cup to fill them and find out how many capfuls each one holds.

We were very excited to get our new reading books and can’t wait to practise using our reading skills, finding sight words and phoneme words in our stories.

Monday 18th April

Even after our long holiday, luckily no-one fell asleep in the class today because we wre having so much fun!  We were learning French colours with Mrs Downs.  We learned more about compass directions and had to answer some tricky questions about north, south, east and west.  We are getting better with our phonemes and were sorting words with oo, u-e, ue and ew.   The weather was dry but a bit windy so we practised our sight words with chalk outside.  We have brought our sight word list home to practise reading them if we have any spare time.

Spring break

What a day! First of all we had an assembly to say goodbye to Mr McCrorie which was fun and sad at the same time. We all wish him luck in his new post but we will miss him.

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This afternoon we had our learning party. Cutting cakes in half,image

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Sharing sweets into into groups and having a good time. We hope that everyone has a happy and healthy holiday and we will see you in the Summer Term.