Homework 22/2/16 – 4/3/16

Homework from 22/2/16 until 4/3/16



For the next three weeks we will be learning the phonemes which make the O sound in words.

This week we will be learning words with the o-e (magic e) phoneme as in rope and next week the phoneme will be oa as in boat.

Homework ideas:

Why not try to make sentences with as many words as you can.

Challenge – in your jotter, write a sensible and a silly sentence using some O phoneme words. http://www.galacticphonics.com/longvowels/oa/oa.htm


Keep spotting your phonemes in words that you read on packets of food and in the shops – write them down.

Common words:

Keep practising the words you have been learning to read

two     three   four     five   six     number

how     last     many     miss   more   now

well     what     when   where   which   who

never   other   some     take     them   thing

again     always       book     cold     day     fast

ask         best         eat       find       gave     home

don’t       fell         jump     long       people   right

each       find         men       room     soon     these

Take the sight word challenge How many can you read confidently?http://www.ictgames.com/wordreader.html

This is a great site for recognising sight and spelling words.

A new reading book will now usually be given each Wednesday. The days for reading are Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, so please make sure that pupils have their reading books in their bags so that they can complete reading activities.

  • Make a note of any new words.
  • Which strategy/strategies did you use to work out the new words.


Learning more about fractions we have started to explore the idea of quarters (¼).

At home, there are lots of times when food is divided into halves, quarters and even smaller fractions. Please let your child watch you cutting the food and let them explain how fractions should be the same size.

Extend the activities to include halves and quarters:

Quarter it! Ask children to find as many examples as they can of quarters being mentioned in newspapers or magazines. These examples might come from times (quarter of an hour), adverts (save a quarter), measurements (quarter full, half full, three quarters full), etc. Children draw, stick or write about them in their Think about it jotter.

Quarter of a shape Ask children to draw shapes and explore whether they can create quarters.

Quarter full Ask children to find containers at home, such as measuring jugs, plastic bottles and cartons, and to half-fill one, then quarter fill another to explore the difference.



Interdisciplinary Learning

We were developing our mapping skills this week and looked at a map of the fields on a farm where the fields were different colours. We knew what was in each field by looking at the key.

  • Draw your own map of a farm, colour the fields in different colours and draw a key to show me what is in each field e.g. a yellow field might be wheat, or a green field might have dairy cows. Think about sheep, cows, woodland, potatoes, carrots and strawberries.


As we have started to learn about different weather conditions, watch some weather reports and think about/note down what information is given.

  • Create your own weather report about this week’s weather

 Careers Week

  • Talk to your family members about the jobs that they do.
  • Make a note of the job and what is the best part of the job.

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